
3 Good Design Principles

It is the holiday season upon us and many of you are looking forward to the celebration while some might not however way you choose to celebrate this season i just want to wish you all the best and success and prosperity for the coming year. I must say that blogging would not have been the same without you and i would not have it any other way.Blogging is not a one man game we need each other to survive in this competitive blogging atmosphere as more and more blogs appears everyday. Have yourself a happy and a peaceful holiday and stay safe.

Your blog is your business and as such you should treat it that way. Lets look at it this way as bloggers you blog is like the headquarters of your business so you need to treat it that way. If your blog is your business then a good design is important so it is a very wise idea to have good design practises. This will make sure that your site reaches its intended audiences and attract the maximum numbered of visitors possible. How to practice good design principles? There are some basics of designing a website or blog that makes the difference between a good design and a bad one.

(1) Navigation this is one of the single most important aspect of any web design if is vital the you make sure that you have a clear navigational structure and that you pages are always linking back to your main page.The navigation menu should be simple and straightforward your visitors should never have to guess their way around your blog. Make it easy for your readers to find their way around your Website it is that simple. having a poor navigational structure will put off readers and make them frustrated and leave your site no matter how useful your contents may be.

(2) Images are great to look at and is believe to attract more clicks. Reducing  the number of images on your website is advisable. Images looks good on your website however they can cause your website to load very slowly but if they are necessary then they must be optimize and kept to the minimum size this will allow them to load faster and where possible use sprite. The use of sprite is great as this reduce server calls and the image only needs to be loaded once.

(3) Content Keep your text paragraphs at a reasonable length. If you have a paragraph that is very long, you should consider splitting  it into more than one paragraphs so that the text blocks will not be too big. This is vital as very blogger will tell you that when your paragraph is lengthy readers sometimes gets bored or looses interest and most importantly forget what the paragraph is about by the time they reaches the end. So keep it short and straight to the point.

(4) Scripting and Standard Compliance Make sure your website complies to web standards at and make sure they are cross-browser compatible. If your website looks great in Internet Explorer but breaks horribly in Firefox and Opera, you will lose out on a lot of prospective visitors.Scripting is another area needs to look at avoid to much heavy scripts and make sure that they are fully supported by most if not all browsers.

These are four of the areas that if adhere to will constitute  good design principles they are many more that can be add i just look at a few of the basics. feel free to add your thoughts while leaving your comment. Have your self a wonderful holiday and stay safe just remember if you can’t be good be careful.Do you practice good design principle?

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