
4 Awesome Apps for Techies

The world of apps is a large world indeed. In fact, there is something for everyone when it comes to apps, which has pretty much allowed every smart phone owner in the world an opportunity to create a phone that is unique to them, and totally customizable and essentially built specifically for each user. This is the way in which all forms of media- from television, to the iPod, to music and everything else in between- is trending; towards the consumer, for the consumer and made by the consumer (or at least designed, in some fashion, by the consumer.) Then, when you add on what a “techie” does (i.e. mess around and have fun with technology, not only as a hobby, but also as a passion) then you can see how intense it can be where the two worlds meet. Thus, there are all kinds of smart phone apps that may be useful to everyone, but are especially useful to all those techies out there- in some form or another.

Awesome Techie App #1. Remember the Milk
The world for the average techie is usually a fairly busy one (lots of time spent learning new technologies, lots of time spent surfing the web and reading about the latest and greatest in the techie world, lots of time spent on the computer in general, etc.) so, it may be easy to become very forgetful about the small things. You know, things like shopping for groceries, buying more toilet paper, meeting friends for drinks later in the night, etc. This is where the app known as Remember The Milk comes in. This app is the perfect task management/ time management app for the techie type of person. Essentially, this app is kind of like having a little birdy on your shoulder that will constantly bother you until you finish the tasks you were supposed to, before you get all whisked away in all that techie information available on the computer.

Awesome Techie App #2. Spotify
Usually, people that spend a lot of time on the computer need something as background noise/ something else to listen to or watch while working. Thus, music tends to be the most popular choice while working with computers, and one of the best music apps around is Spotify. It’s easy to use and has a variety of music available, all you have to do is push play and let it do its thing.

Awesome Techie App #3. Social Cam
This is a great app for all those video lovers and video making techies out there. It is like having Instagram for a video, rather than a photo.

Awesome Techie App #4. Pulse News
The average techie likes his information quick and to the point, and the same goes when it comes to news, of course. Pulse News was perhaps made exactly for the techie, in this manner.

James has written on a variety of tech topics, answering such questions as how to make a flyer.

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