
4 Ways to Improve Your Blog’s Readability

If you feel like your blog needs improvement, and you’ve been tinkering with various different aspects of your blog in terms of design and layout, then maybe it’s time to go back to the basics. Consider thinking about your content and its style. One of the major concern for all bloggers including myself is to be able to attract and retain new readers, yes repeated visitors are what we should be aiming at don’t get me wrong we new new visitors but keeping the ones we have is just as important.Here are a few tips to help you:

1. Always spend lots of time on the first one or two sentences.

Although it is not novel advice to have a “hook” for any piece of writing you work on, something to draw your readers in, I’m amazed at how few bloggers take this advice to heart. When you are writing any blog post, go back when devising a second draft to make sure your first statement packs a real punch. Do the same for your last few sentences.

2. Make sure that each blog post builds tension throughout.

Unfortunately, Internet writing was not designed to be read like, say, novel writing. A reader is never obliged to finish an entire blog post, but if your desire is such that you actually want your readers to finish the entire post, there needs to be a rhythm that keeps them reading till the end. Start off with a bang, yes, but don’t put all your best tricks out there at the beginning. Make your reader anticipate something rewarding in the end.

3. Don’t just shorten your paragraphs; vary your sentence structure.

Many bloggers will advise other bloggers to write short paragraphs so that readers are not overwhelmed when they see big blocks of text. Of course, it’s probable that you have already done this. But there are other more general ways to make your blog more readable. For example, making certain sentences short, and mixing it up with a long sentence every once in awhile is a great way to keep your writing fresh. Also try out different ways of structuring your sentences.

4. Don’t focus just on keywords in your title.

Of course, it’s definitely important for SEO purposes to place keywords in your title, as well as in the post. But don’t obsess over keywords to the detriment of good writing. If you want your readers to read your blog posts, they have to see the title, and there interest must be piqued before clicking and reading in the first place. As such, you should be sure that the title accurately reflects what you discuss in your post, but also give it a little bit of flair. Make it funny, or make it outrageous and controversial.

Improving your blog writing, of course, is not done overnight. At the same time, however, if you want to increase the chances of your readers reading more of each blog post you publish, then take these tips into consideration, and implement them slowly but surely.

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