
Are You Up to Date As A Blogger

designAs bloggers and website owners we try to keep up blog updated by posting regularly to attract good search engine ranking results installing the latest updates of our blogging platform ,keeping up with the latest trends on all the social networking sites. But the big question is are we keeping our selves updated as bloggers knowing what is changing around us everyday things like our subscribers base, twitter followers and commenter. These are the type of statistic we should be paying attention to. Our reader base is something that can build or break your blog so take a look at these ask the question are we staying up to date as bloggers.

Forget the statistic about face book and twitter for a moment forget about the three thousand twitter followers and four thousand Face book friends but are they important to you more than the statistic of your personal blog well some of you may disagree with me here ,done get me wrong here i am not trying to still up controversy  here. It is great having friends on Face Book in the hundred or thousands but are they supporting your blog sounds familiar sounds true. I have lots of face book friends and about one thousand four hundred followers on twitter but how much of them visit my blog read a post. Food for thought.

Checking your statistic on a regular basic is very important we need to be up to date with the keyword trends what and where we are loosing traffic the key phrases that drives the traffic to your sites the traffic trends against previous months these are all things that makes our website ticks. Let me ask you a question how often do you evaluate your analytic report?, be honest not often enough yes you are been host that is a starting point so let us take a moment and get up to date with the little things that matters most.

Now let us have a debate here do you think you are updated enough to with yourself as a blogger? are we paying attention with the finer details that can make or break us after leaving here stop for a minute look at your blog check the stats look at your followers and ask yourself how much of these are worth full statistics?. I remember one popular blogger wrote about stop following the ones that are just there for the numbers. Now our blog is important to us we need to be aware of what is working and what is not lets face it could be our writing style or tone it could be our blog design or it could be you yes it could be so lets keep our selves updated as a bloggers. share your thoughts here and please spread the word sharing is caring.

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