
Bloggers Be More Productive

bloggers be productive

Bloggers tips to be productive you having a laugh, no I am serious here. Bloggers we should all be productive after all you are offering a service. We need to spend our valuable time on the things that benefits us most, the things that brings better results to us as bloggers. Now let us look at the meaning of Productive as defined by Wikitionary Capable of producing something, especially in abundance; fertile; yielding good or useful results; constructive; Of, or relating to the creation of goods or services; remember that your blog is your business so you need to treat it that way.
So, bloggers are you productive? I am not trying by any means to imply that you are not but merely saying, stop take a look at yourself what are your productivity level?The time we spend do we spend it wisely? That is another question to ask ourselves. Here are some tips to try and be more productive some of them you might have been doing so if you are continued to do them and if not start doing them.
Un-follow non followers – Why you might ask? Put it this way all the tweeters that you are following their updates appears in your timelines clogging our space and if they are no following you back it is a one sided affair. Why should you have to scroll all those tweets when they don’t see yours? Good question the answer is simple you choose to follow them so it is your choice to stop following them. Each blogger should support each other, don’t waste time with selfish tweeters who don’t have time for you.

Unsubscribe Form that mailing list – The money is it the list a famous sales pitch on the internet but who makes the money from the list is it you? No not this time you did not build this list you merely subscribe to it well at least I hope so. I realize that this is a delicate topic here, but why subscribe to something that is of little or no use to you? I am not saying to go and unsubscribe form everything just those that you don’t read, those that is not of any benefit these are the things stopping you from been productive
Choose Your Fans – Face book the most popular website today we build fan pages we become friends with people from the four corners of the earth but how much of them visit your site? How much of them even comment or like your links not many. So choose the ones that are of similar interest to you. Don’t waste time creating friends for the sake of number same with twitter? Do you think you are productive as a blogger? Share what measures you take to ensure that you are productive I really love to hear you honest views here.

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