
Bloggers Define Yourself

Bloggers define yourselfWe all get caught up in this blogging phenomena that has engulf us all because it is an easy thing to do but honestly are you a blogger? Seriously are we bloggers? According to Wikipedia a blogger is “A person who keeps and update a blog” So a blog is a “website that allows users to reflect, share opinions, and discuss various topics in the form of an online journal while readers may comment on posts”. Now is it safe to say that we are bloggers? Not so sure about that bloggers today are more than just blog owners it may be that you are a writer.

I challenged you to define yourself as a blogger. A blogger in my mind is more than just a owner of a blog or an online journal they are passionate about what they do, they are business owners and online entrepreneurs offering goods and or services and sometimes offering tips and tutorials and how to do things.

Starting a blog is easy keeping it up to date with fresh content is another side to blogging. Networking with other bloggers and engaging with your audience is something we as bloggers need to do, Building a social interaction with your fellow bloggers and your commenter’s is a part of the trade. if you are doing this good keep doing it but if you are not then you are probably not a blogger. So define yourself take the self test and ask yourself the question is you a blogger?

What are the characteristic of a blogger you mad asked? Looking back at the above definition of a blog and a blogger then this should paint a clear picture here. We could agree to disagree here a blogger is someone who is passionate, dedicated and has the drive to maintain a blog to a level where the information there is always updated.

Bloggers are far more than blog owners let’s face it anyone can own a blog write anything they feel like it could be absolute rubbish, then this to me is not blogging it is just ranting by someone who feel that they want to write. The web is a worldwide network so if you write online there are endless possibilities here so offer your readers something of value.

So, what makes a Blogger a Blogger? simple a blogger is someone who owns a blog and write for his audience giving them information they can put to use, yes a blog could be use as a place to rant get your feelings out but remember today blogs has become businesses and bloggers has become online entrepreneurs making millions and educating others. We know we can’t all be the Yaro Starak or the Shoe money of the internet, however if you define yourself as to what you are then you can be on your way to success. Now tell me what makes a blogger a blogger

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