
Do You Know Your Audience?

audienceAs bloggers we need to understand the type of readers that visit our blogs just like our web traffic statistic we need to know the type of people that visit our blogs. For the simple reason you can start of planning how to interact with them. Your blog audience I critical to the survival of your blog so you should take the time to know the as this will help you to keep them coming back and become loyal readers. Knowledge is power there is no dispute to that having a blog or website requires basic knowledge however understanding the demographics of your readers takes more than just a simple writing content and promoting your blog.

Understanding what age range or gender of your audience is crucial as this will help you to plan and tailored your blog and your writing style to meet your reader’s needs. There are a few areas that if you get right you will be able to keep your readers coming back and this will help you to build a long lasting relationship. We all know that content is the king but what type of content are your readers looking for this is where the challenge  start for us as bloggers knowing your audience is very important and is something we should not ignore or take lightly.

When designing the layout of your website you should always take your audience in mind what they are looking for example younger audience might enjoy a trendy website design more than a mature audience bear in mind here there is no scientific proof to back this up and by no means am I an expert but equally so a  more mature and experience reader will value the information of your website or blog more than the layout, like wise a very frustrated surfer would leave your website immediately if the information you provide does not suits them no matter how trendy you blog looks.

Another factor which can affect your audience is the tone, yes your writing tone if you make the time and effort to understand your audience you can tailor not only your design but your tone to suit them. This will build a mutual relationship and let your readers trust and believe in you and ultimately become loyal readers. Understanding the type of people who visit your site is a very important task because you can use that information to modify your blog to suit the needs of your visitors. As a result, you will gain more and more loyal and dedicated visitors that come back again and even recommend your site to their friends.

Dou you know you audience? Share your thoughts and remember sharing is caring please spread the word.

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