
Evaluating Your Website

winningtarget1Search engine Optimization is an on going process which is at the heart of every blogger and webmaster a like. This is a process that can get a bit tedious and or technical at times however the task don’t have to be that daunting but you all need to Evaluate Your Website. Sometimes we do it without even realizing it ,things like choosing your domain name,, choosing a very catchy headline keyword related, your post title, your meta tags, keyword rich content and the use of proper grammar. Now how about you/ do you do your own so or hire some one to do it for you and what are the results?

Hire a SEO consultant is good if you have the founds to do it and most importantly id they can deliver the results that you are looking for in an ethical way.There is one firm called Trafficke you might have heard me mentioned this before however, i spent about two hours doing an online consultation with the guy who owns the company. Let me just introduce you to the company Trafficke is a company that provides Integrated Marketing Solution For All. that means they offer services like Website Optimization,SEO consultant and Writing services a bit of All In One SEO Service.

As i mentioned before i spend about two hours online getting some consultant advice about my blog as you may realize i try to get all SEO related task done by myself but at times i always want the eye of an expert. Some area that was look at are logs, ad placing removing unnecessary clutter, changing the background colour to let them blend in with my website.

Other areas that can be optimized or tweak is this like your twitter count and RSS feed count they could be changed from image to text to help reduce the use of two much images which would be a welcome boast to your blog loading time which we all know by now that is including in Google’s algorithm as a contributing factor to your page rank.

having spend these two ours with the consultant i had a few eye opener some small details i might have over looked seeing your own website from an expert point of view is something that not always happen having some form of evaluation by company like Trafficke can only serve good for your blog having said that i was quite please about the whole process. Does your Blog needs and expert evaluation well head on over to Trafficke. Why ? Reasonable price and very knowledgeable.

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