
Frame Work Do we Need Them?

Blogging frame works is fast becoming a must have for bloggers who runs WordPress in particular but do we really need them? In this article we will look at the idea of using a theme frame work for your WordPress blog. There are three popular frame works Thesis, Hybrid and Genesis of which I have used at some point but now as you are all aware I am using Thesis theme frame work for quite some time and finding it simpler by the day. First of all I must say that this topic is a bit thought provoking and I am no expert here it is a matter of my sole opinion.

The big question here is do we really need a theme frame work? Yes and no is the best answer I would give and I will explain my reason in a moment but let’s look at what actually is a framework. For the sole purpose of this post we will talk about Thesis reason been it is one if not the most popular framework around. There are others like catalyst, Gantry just to name a few. So what is a framework? It is just a structure a bare bone that forms the base. That you may say is not a straight forward explanation well according to the thesis team a thesis framework  is The Thesis Theme framework is a premium template system for WordPress that is designed to serve as the rock-solid foundation beneath any kind of website.That is a better explanation

Now back to the question in my opinion and this is just my opinion yes we need a framework to form the base of our website, why? It is like building a house you need a foundation them you add the rest of the walls and columns. For any blogger like me who has a long term plan for his or her blog having this framework to build on is what makes customizing your blog easier. This blog is powered by WordPress backup by Thesis framework and a blog skin from Thesis awesome, this skin is personalize to my taste.

If your blog is simple and you don’t feel the need for any theme framework then so be it choosing a theme framework should be a matter of personal choice by looking at the pros and cons not by following other bloggers. Theme framework does not come cheap.

What does a framework like Thesis do for your blog? From my personal point of view it does have its advantages like reducing some plug-in because of it’s built in features example Seo. One thing is that because of the hype about Thesis it gives your blog a form of pro status as it is seen as the framework of choice by the big guns in blogging however the balance of power seems to be shifting towards Genesis will this ever happen? Not sure but it will comes down to two things a matter of personal choice and features. I must say I am an affiliate of Thesis not trying to sell anything here but I would highly recommend it. Still not convince that we need a framework share your thoughts.

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