
Organic Search Optimization

Optimizing your website for search engine is a task every blogger must take in order to be ranked well within the search engine result pages or SERPS as they called Organic search Engine Optimization is the cleanest form of optimization that can be done this is done without any form of black hat methods or any automated scripting and this benefits both your website for good ranking results when done well and will help retaining your visitors and once your website is found by these search engines they will index your blog and the reward is that your site could be where you want it to be on the first pages of all results.

Organic Traffic  Ever wonder how your visitors find your website it could be a number of ways before we look at some of these methods let me ask you a question have you ever fill out an online form and just before the submit button you are ask the question “How did You Find Us” ? i guess the answer is yes that is a part of this process of optimizing your website or blog understanding how your visitors find your site is very important. keywords another factor in your optimization process this is what drives organic traffic to your website or blog this is the traffic that drives your blog revenue don’t get me wrong here having a steady followers to your blog builds trust and authority and gives your lots of credibility but it is those unique page views that counts.

Website Ranking this is very important for your blog if not one of the single most important factors spiders crawled the web scanning billions of web pages daily and ranked them according to their relevancy and popularity your blog and its content is judged by automated software know as BOT or spiders they do these by using what is called algorithms which are the search engines best kept secrets this avoid the black hat method that is the reason why these algorithms are never release to the public.

Search Engines they enable your visitors to enter a specific word or phrase known as keywords and all pages containing these terms are show in order as to how the pages are ranked according to the search engines ranking as we all know these pages were ranked by the spiders not human.Optimizing for search engines is important however we must still bear our visitors in mind after all they are the primary cause of our blog in the first place. SEO is one of our greatest tool but if we try to short cut it by using some black hat method it may benefit us in the short term but your website will get caught out and may even be banned by the search engines in the long run so stick to the rules play it safe and have patience your blog will reap the reward from all the organic traffic you need.

I am not an expert but from past experience this helps Organic search engine results are our best bet keep on blogging.

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