
Round Up # 29 Your Sunday Post

sundaypostI guess every one is getting back to normal after the recent Google page rank update and with all those who get invite to Google + new Social Networking websites. i had an invite i really like the site and i think it has a future. There are many articles out there making the comparison between Facebook and Google +. What are your views on this new social networking website do you think it has a place or is it a little too late for Google to make any in roads into the social networking world? Share your thoughts, in the mean time here is Round Up.

(1) Unique Root Domains and SEO – SEO experts often perform massive studies of the Web, trying to figure out what the best way to rank on Google actually is. Dozens of theories have been proposed, and they change as Google changes its algorithm. A decade ago, it was Page Rank that seemed to be all-important; a short time after that it was the total authority of your incoming link funnel. But through all of it, there has been one attribute that has been the most consistent in matching up well with your Google rank: the number of unique root domains that your page has incoming links from…

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(2) Empowering Search Vol. 3 – My CircleWelcome to my third edition of curated /roundup post series. This volume is a short one and will be highlighting the recent updates and works from my circle (those that I communicate with over the web) and also some other cool posts, which I think are worth sharing. I will be contributing regularly (as a blogger) to Traffic Travis and Affilorama’s blog so you might want to check them out as I will be sharing more SEO-related posts there weekly/monthly. I was also invited by Technorati to be a contributor on their business channel and I’ll be publishing posts there every month. Here are some from the past few weeks….

(3) Why Your Internet Marketing Won’t Make Money Without a Brand!- Internet entrepreneurs all have goals in place. The problem is that their goals may not generate them any money. One of their primary obsessions is generating traffic to their website. Instead, they should be focusing on building a brand for their business and targeting the right audience.Don’t get me wrong. Traffic is very important when you are generating an online presence. You can’t generate sales if no one comes to your site. The problem is that traffic itself doesn’t guarantee sales either.

(4) Google+ versus Facebook – The race to dominate online social networkingLong back while I was surfing through Google news, I was caught by an interesting heading – Is Google planning to launch its own social network? Well, we all knew one fact – Google was ruling web especially being the search engine leader and reaping benefits from its online advertising programs but unfortunately it was nowhere when it came to social networking. Probably one could say that Google attempted to foray into social networking with the launch of Google Wave and then later, Google Buzz. But then it was never to be the same…!

(5) Google Social Network, Google+ Real-Life SharingUndoubtedly, the “buzz” of the moment is the announcement of the Google+ project, probably one of Google’s most ambitious plan to get into the “wave” of social networking. Being an issue that could generate a very big impact in the near future, I obviously, started to scour to web about the subject matter and already found many “people” giving opinions about the project. Needless to say that some says it will be a “flop”, some saying it will “kill” Face Book and some goes as far as saying that it will be no where close to being a Face Book competitor…

That is it for this week’s Round Up i do hope you enjoy this week’s selection and hare a great week ahead. Thanks for stooping by and feel free to share this post. So What’s next? join me on twitter or download the free E-Book Internet Marketing.

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