
Round Up

It is that time of the week when all you great effort is showcase here in this feature i called Round Up if you have missed the last one here is the link. As you are aware you too can be a part of this great feature by either writing a great article or making suggestion about any post you believe is worth sharing. So this week i will share a few post with that is worth the share. Hesham once said Blogging is not a one man game so i am inviting you to start submitting your post or even post from other blogs that you want to be featured here. Please submit using this form.

(1)  10 Hard-hitting On-page SEO Strategies to Improve Search Rankings – On-page optimization is basically the process of improving a webpage/website’s content as well as other site’s back-end elements in order to boost its keyword rankings on search engine result pages. Most effective SEO strategies heavily rely on this part of the site’s optimization process, given that 50% of all the SEO factors that help in improving search rankings come from this side of the campaign.

(2) Beware Of These Slick Marketing Tactics – I feel this topic is long overdo and it’s one that should be brought out in the open. This probably won’t make me very popular among some of the so-called gurus who use these marketing tactics but I want you to be aware of them. I going to shed some light on a few of these tactics so you can make more informed decisions before parting with your hard earned cash.

(3) 9 Cool Tips To Promote Your Blog And Boost Your Traffic – Blog commenting involves going to other blogs in your niche and leaving a comment for the article writer. This has several benefits to you as a blogger. It enables you to get noticed by other bloggers and their readers. It also gets you some quality, natural back links that the search engines are going to love. When leaving comments, try to add value to the conversation, it can be in favour of what has been written or against that bloggers point of view. Don’t be nasty, but explain why you don’t agree with them. How much traffic you get will depend on the value you add, also the amount of traffic that particular blog is getting. Don’t worry about “Do Follow” ,”No Follow” this will make no difference to the amount of traffic you will receive. Also try to mix the blogs up, just commenting on high profile blogs will not bring the traffic you might expect. Be a community blogger and comment on the blogs that interest you.

(4) 5 Ways for Effective Social Media Marketing – Social Media is where the people are these days, more than millions are active everyday on Facebook, Twitter, Bebo, Myspace and more. It is one of the best places to establish your brand name and attract people’s attention. As your network spreads, the connection will definitely grow, giving you and your brand the chance to be exposed and be promoted to vast number of other users. However, social media marketing is more than just creating a social networking account, posting contents, updating status or inviting friends. You have to make sure that you are also attracting potential markets and establishing a good brand name.

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