
Simple Writing Tips For Beginners

Writing a blog post can be as easy as blog walking  to one Blogger, but much more difficult to the next blogger. Seasoned Bloggers will tell you that they find blogging simple. Those who are not great writers may feel a bit frustrated at times or even suffers from what we sometimes called “Writers Block”, feeling some what  intimidated at times may deter you from writing. This is normal even now after three years experience i do get that feelings sometimes, however you should not let this feelings get the better of you else you may never want to  write a blog entry again.

Writing a blog entry does not have to be painful, It should fun! and enjoyable If you are having these moments and are not sure what to do or how to go about it take a break or you may want to follow these “Simple Writing Tips For Beginners”. Here i will use share some tips that i find works when writing any blog post lets get started.

Gathering  Ideas For your Blog Post

This is the area writers found to be the most difficult part about writing Blog Entry it is deciding what you want to write about. Blogs are interesting because you can use them in several ways. You can use them as a personal online journal of sorts if you wish. You can also use them as a place to post your opinions and views. , you can use them as a place to put short articles of interest for others to read. Lastly they can be used as a form of income as most bloggers do.

If you are choosing to use your blog as a source of income, then  you might will  need to do much more planning than if you are using it for an online journal or a place where you just post short stories that are of your interest. now the big question you need to ask yourself is what do you need from your blog?, if it is about income then you need to choose you topics carefully write them down do some research and it is always in your best interest to write about topic that you are familiar with and feel comfortable with. Create a list of topic ideas that interest you. Use them to decide what your topic  will be.

Choose A Writing style And A Tone

After choosing a topic, make a quick outline of main points you want to include. Then next you decide and your writing style and tone this is up to you some writers choose a causal tone and have great success with it. Another point to bear in mind is grammar this is very important.Try to keep your tone as friendly as you can express yourself after all you want your readers to feel you in the article.

Write Your Blog Post

When you sit down to write your post, remember that you are writing for your readers use the tone you choose. Keeping that tone and writing style in mind, write your topic or idea down then make bullet points about your key points you are going to write about before  you before you start writing. You should keep your blogs posts short. Put your main points in the paragraphs and elaborate on them. Don’t write to much of a long entry some readers will get lost and don’t bother to finish reading, i always keep my articles some where in the region of about 420 words i believe this is good some writers recommends about 400 to 700 words.The amount of words you write depends on you it is like taking out an insurance policy

Editing  Your Work

Before you think of submitting your work one of the most important thing to do is edit your work check for any grammar or spelling errors before you submit it. you can ask a friend or a family member to proof read your story before and get their feed back. After finish editing then you can published your work for the world to see. lets recap writing any blog post can become much simpler if you follow these simple steps.

Submitting your finished Post

The final step after creating a blog entry is to publish it to your blog. This is typically done via the blogging software. There is a spot where you can paste your text and click on the “submit” button.

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