
Social Networking Sites The Benefits

Social Networking Sites What are they?, These are websites that are mostly online base which focuses mostly building communities or activities where people share interest and activities and are interesting in exploring the interest and activities of others. Social Networking Sites has become a phenomenon in our lives today it is as if our lives revolves around them. the internet since its invention has evolve so much that it has become apart of our day to day functions especially now that site like face book, twitter ,digg ,stumble and others  has emerged we used them in our Social and business lives  at some point.

The Benefits derived from these site is enormous needless to say take face book for instance you create an account which is free as is most Social Networking Sites create your profile and with the click of a mouse you showcase yourself to the whole world isn’t wonderful the The benefit if you are a blogger or a website owner looking to showcase your site then social networking sites acts as an advertising media to help promote your website for bloggers i think they can be very beneficiary to us. When i joined Face book i found a relative i had not seen or heard from for about twenty years with that said lets get back to the main topic.

Twitter on the other hand has been attracting celebrity and politician alike although it been classed as a micro blogging platform and limits its tweets to just one hundred and forty characters everybody seems to be tweeting now a days it lets you keep up with what your friends are doing and it even let you advertise.

Although Face Book is deemed the must popular Social Networking Sites there are other sites like MySpace ,Beebo ,Digg and others who command a large following on if use right the possibility can be endless so get out there and join a Social Networking Site today. As usual feel free to leave your comments and feedback join in the discussion.

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