
The Bloggers' Time Table

In one of my recent post i wrote a post titled “Do Bloggers Need A Break” now i am about to share with you what i called the bloggers Time table after being a blogger for quite some time i come to realize that like every thing else in life that we do we need to have a plan in order to succeed now i will share with you this idea which will help us all as bloggers i called it the bloggers time table.
Running a blog full time with other responsibilities is never easy as we bloggers we write posts, comment on other blogs, maintain our blogs and as for some of us we write guest posts for other blogs not to mention keeping updated with our emails and doing status update on all the social networking websites like FaceBook, Twitter and the others.
The big question is do we need a time table?, firstly What is a Time table ?, a simple definition of a Time Table is,  “a schedule listing of things to be done and the times at which they will be done” now looking at that simple meaning i guess that explain the reason why i do believe we need one. As bloggers we need to treat our blog as our business this is very important for the success of our blog it doesn’t pay to go about doing things without a proper plan or routine we need to be organize and arrange things in a systematic way.
Setting time aside to get things done is vital for any business success and our blogs should not be any different, we need to be proactive to is a key factor for success for any blog or business, ask any successful entrepreneur they will tell you that the proactive approach works well and works best.
looking at all the things we do as bloggers like writing post , commenting and blog walking and may be holding down a full time job it is never easy to give the full attention to my blog with out have some form of detail plan as to how i am going to get these done so i check my mails in the morning and late afternoon and write most of my post on Sundays because this is one of the quieter day for me.
What are the benefits of having a time table for yourself ? simple the most important and single factor is Time Management yes you would be arranging every thing you do in such a way that  everything is get done in an orderly fashion nothing gets left behind. Now ask yourself  am i organised or not? if you can honestly say yes then you are on the right track if not stop think start organizing your schedule not don’t get left behind. let share what you do as bloggers and please  fell free to retweet and share you input is valuable please leave your comment.

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