
What is the Future of Facebook after its IPO release in coming years?

facebookFacebook is a very strong social media nowadays. It has gained a lot of popularity in previous few years and has earned a major online market share. It knows the art of joining people together. You will hardly find people around you who haven’t got their facebook profiles. It is a very quick and easy way of getting updates about your surroundings. People don’t feel bored and lonely by sharing their thoughts and getting comments from their loved ones.

Its messenger is quickly replacing Microsoft, AOL and Yahoo messengers which had monopoly over many years. It has also improved its voice and email communication over time. Despite of its numerous fans, there is a big question mark about its future. Here are some important facts under consideration:

Changing technology is always a hurdle. Before the advent of facebook, we had emails, chat forums, Friendster and MySpace. Having a close look to MySpace, it is obvious that it was a big hit in nineties but with time it loaded with spam and was unable to retain its quality.

So, we can aspect a new wonder anytime. The fast pace of technology is quickly replacing the previous ones. A new social media is arriving in the market nearly every year; each equipped with better features. Facebook needs to add distinguished features continuously in order to survive in this competitive era. It has got the competitive advantage of a young CEO having right energy and skills required to boost it up.

By closely looking at its market share of previous few years, it is surprising to find it declining in many developed countries like U.S, U.K and Canada. On the other hand, it is raising its share day by day in many developing countries like India, Pakistan, and Malaysia etc. This is a very encouraging yet challenging task for facebook to maintain its craze in developing countries.

It should be very careful now to support anything which can hurt people’s feelings. There was a large hue and cry regarding facebook promoting some anti religious feelings. In order to maintain its credibility, it should prove to be unbiased focusing on better communication and entertainment for a large variety of audience.

No doubt, facebook is a real hit but as compared to many other social media websites like MySpace, it lacks corporate sponsors who can put their money in the proper promotion. In its early stage, it has got low membership which can be improved over time. Facebook, therefore, has got the tremendous opportunity to grow and target larger niche by finding and encouraging more corporate clients who are able to invest and earn better revenues.

We can hence say that the future of facebook is bright, yet challenging. It has to cope up with the changing trends and innovations. With billions of users daily, it has got the ability of earning large revenues. The only thing is that it should be able to maintain its credibility over time.

About the Author:

Roxanne is a Cisco Technical Certified and freelancer writer and at present attached with Test 4 Prep. This is Best Source for CCIE Voice Certification Preparation. You can try free demos and there is 100% Risk Free and Money Back Guaranteed. She loves reading magazines and articles related to technology and social media.

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