10 Great New Tools to Manage Your Money Efficiently


October 21, 2012 ,

Managing Your MoneyThe practice of money management refers to the management and organization of all monetary assets. It is the process of determining what your current expenses are as well as where you want to spend your money in the future. You should Pay off credit card debt fast to avoid any further complications.

10 New Tools for Money Management

A large majority of people lack an appropriate and well-disciplined financial life. They do not hold fast to their financial plans and spend their resources beyond their confines. In order to help you avoid such insecure conditions, the following are 10 effective tools for money management.

1. You Need a Budget: This program offers services to perform personal financial planning.  It provides an easy and inclusive financial tool that helps you create your monetary budget without any trouble. You can simply follow and sort out transaction activities from an enormous group of banks. YNAB is created for OSX, Linux, and Windows and can be easily used on iPhones, iPods, and iPads.

2. PayTap: It is an electronic wallet that enables all family members to facilitate each other by splitting expenses and paying bills. It utilizes the collective technologies of the telephone and internet. This quick, immediate, and protected service does not require you to have any special installation on your telephone.

3. Quicken: This software offers services for supervising your bank accounts. It enables you to balance your budget by following credits, loans, savings, and investments. You can even create reports comprising of the information of all your financial records. You can also get connected to the internet to download fund costs on a daily basis. It is one of the best choices to manage investments and financial decisions.

4. Mint.com: It provides an easy, robust, and user-friendly interface. You can combine all your monetary information in one place that makes it easier for you to create a budget and follow your aims. It offers the services of simple budgeting as well as the automatic import of financial information.

5. Tuition.io: If you are in the phase of paying off your student loan, this particular financial site can tremendously help you do that. It calculates monthly payments of loans, generates a wide-ranging schedule of loan payments, and also allows you to envisage your debt and balance in the form of different tables, charts, and graphs.  It is better to Pay off credit card debt fast before it further piles up.

6. My Virtual StrongBox: This versatile software allows you to store numerous types of files. It offers an effortless upload/download interface without any maximum time limitation for file storage. It actually facilitates you along with your family members check financial records and data. You can enjoy some exclusive features such as you can transfer a digital picture of any document or certificate to My Virtual StrongBox.

7. Credit Sesame: This web-based application does not charge you at all. It assists you in dealing with your credit, loans, and debt. Using this application, you can easily get your credit score by just providing your social security number. All the personal information that you provide including your name, date of birth, addresses, or social security number remains confidential and is never offered to an external source.

Money Dashboard

: This online budgeting tool provides you a flexible and simple way to handle your financial documents and statements. You can track, manage, and deal with all your finances, earnings, savings, and expenses through this money management tool. It offers a secure system to its users by not demanding any personal information.

9. Yodlee.com: This web application is the creation of an American software company. It converts your financial data and information into solutions for financial control and organization. You can easily visualize your financial progress in the form of charts and graphs. You are enabled to sum up all your financial assets, deduct your liabilities, and calculate your total monetary value on a regular basis.

10. Money Vista: You can use this online financial manager to manage your monetary assets. You can create your own budgets and saving policies to help you plan your finances for a better future.

It is always intelligent to pursue some money management tactics to assure a secure financial future. You can use any of the above-mentioned techniques to efficiently follow your earnings, expenses, and savings.

0 thoughts on “10 Great New Tools to Manage Your Money Efficiently”
  1. Honestly. I haven’t heard any of these tools. But I did encountered Quicken year ago. Thanks for the list, I’ll check them one by one and see if something would fit my bill.

  2. Managing your money is a must and very important because you will never know what will happen next. Always prepare yourself so that it will not be difficult for you to solve your problems.

  3. Hi,

    Many will be ears and eyes personified to learn of such tools which can teach us ways to manage money we earn after a lot of hard work. It may be easy to make money but very difficult to manage it. It is very important. Thanks a lot for sharing this article.

  4. I see a lot of articles written on how to save or manage one’s money wisely. However, most of them are tips, so these tools you mentioned here for money management surely made me curious. Out of the 10 here, I am eyeing Money Dashboard because it seems simple enough for me and I’ll see if I can make use of this easily. Thanks for sharing!

  5. These are greatly beneficial money management techniques you have shared here. I can’t wait to employ them. Thanks for sharing.

  6. This is a very informative post. Thank you for the tips there. I have no idea that these tools exist. This will surely be a help to me. I will definitely check out what tool would best fit loan payment.

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