I am sure all bloggers and website owners would love to increase their page views wouldn’t it be great if every visitors spend more time on your website ?, well i don’t know about you but i love every single time some one visits my blog they explore at least three of my blog pages but how do we do this you may ask?. I am not an expert but we all learn from others and our own mistakes and look at what influence us to read more that one pages on other blog that we read or visits.
(1)Creating References Most blogs contain reference material you refer to often in your posts. These are links in your blog post that creates links to other pages on your website these pages will also be indexed by the search engines and as your readers read your blog entries they get referred to other post on your blog this will encourages them visit other pages on your website this simple tip can increase your page views.
(2)Break Your Post When writing your blog post decide where you want to break your post and add a Read More Or Full Entry tag this will then leads the reader to another page on your blog which contain the entire post this is a new page this acts as a call to action by this i mean you are always encouraging your readers to take some form of action this is a proven method.
(3)Create Your Favourite Widgets This is another great way to encourage visitors to explore your website this is found on most popular blogs which describes by topics the post with the most page views or the most comments this can influence clicks especially if the user is curious or looking for further information.
(4)Related Post and Tag Clouds This is another brilliant idea to help your readers with find information and encourages further reading related post are found on most blogs imagine not having them unlike using the headline “Related Post” you can be more creating using topics like “Recommended Reading” be creative choose what ever you fell comfortable with.Tags are great for quick searching through your archive without the need for typing in search terms
(5)Creating Links By this i mean when commenting on other blogs where possible use different urls to link to your website not only use your domain name example if you have a post that you want to get exposure instead of just linking to say www.lawmacs.com you could use a different link one that links directly to a page say www.lawmacs.com/archive.aspx this will take the visitor to your archive page then if he or she finds any topic of interest they more on to that page technically you just had two page views from the same visitor.
try these tips and see if they work or you make have some other creative idea as to how to increase your page views just by leaving your comment you will be sharing these tips with not only me but other readers of this blog and you will be getting back links to your website and this may just influence your page rank
Hey, it would be a great idea if you wrote a book about blogging. I would definitely buy it!
Interesting article 🙂 . Page views is really a matter of concern for all the bloggers/webmasters.To increase your page views one should write killer articles which are easy to understand. Breaking your blog post is a nice way to increase your page views. Thanks, for sharing it.
Braking your post actually is a good way to increase blog views, very useful post Lawmacs, thanks a lot!
for now i pretty happy to see average my visitor will visit 3-4 pages before they leave.. all the point above will help in gaining more pageview.. make sure that navigating through one post to another post is easy:)
Increasing pageviews can be a tough job like anything else in life we have to face the challenge and stick to it for the long haul no one said it would be easy
Nice tips, I think it’s just on designing. Besides we should also spend more time social networking to drive more traffic
Thanks for this piece of tips latief we should always shout about what makes our post brilliant give the visitors the encouragement to explore
Thanks for your comment and your participation it is greatly appreciated i do hope you have enjpyed reading the post and find it useful looking for you continued support
These are sound and proven tips. I’d add that participating in forums and particularly discussions at Blog Catalog increases page views. I still see traffic from 6 month old discussions. Also using social media buttons below each post helps spread the word.
Increase page views can be a very tough job for any blogger or webmaster. The tips mentioned above can really help in getting more page views. I do not know if I am able to get more page views or not but yes, I have tried using page views widgets and star rating system for posts that gives me the feeling that I am getting better page views for my content. I haven’t checked my google analytics account for the same. I will check it know more about my page views.
Increasing page views or increasing readership gets simpler with a content that is easy to read and understand. So, make sure what your write is simple and easy for others to understand. That makes a huge difference. Also, I agree that following better linking strategies can also help you out in getting better page views for your site or blog. For this, its necessary that you are linking your posts internally using relevant anchor text. But then again it all depends on how you develop content for your blog. Your content should be compelling enough for the readers to trigger some action thus making him dig deeper into your pages. And that will certainly help you out in getting more and more page views.
Great simple tips Gary. Its easy to follow. Related Post is very useful and help my blog get more page view. One thing, just additional tip from me. Put your top post on your sidebar is another way to increase page view 🙂
Thanks for sharing your great idea bro!
these are really great tips. but some one help me how to break my posts so I can show the intro of each blog and then include a read more link or a link to the complete article.
Nice tips, I think it’s just on designing. Besides we should also spend more time social networking to drive more traffic.
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Last point is a great tips that I never thought of. Will try to manipulate blog links in blog commenting next time!