How Often Should you Post


February 5, 2011 , ,

This is one those thought provoking subject where there is no right or wrong answer to this but in my opinion two or three times a week is good. This is just a matter of opinion but you may differ from mines. That is a personal choice if you are a fulltime blogger who makes a living from blogging with a huge following then that’s great a daily update would be good. There are bloggers who update their blogs once a week and makes lot of money from their blog so what is your take on how often should blog?

There many different reason why there are different views on this subject, one common myth is that the more often you update your blog the better result you get from search engines that may be true having fresh content is always recommended. Now that reason is good but you should not write just to get the attention of Search engines we should write because we have something to share with our readers and at the same time getting the benefit of the visit may it be making a sale or a sign up. Running a blog for the sole purpose of earning an income is totally different from having a blog because you want to have a voice.

Writing a post daily is good if you are a blogger that is into blogging fulltime but don’t just write for the sake of Search Engine or just to update your blog. I am not a full time blogger because we I am in full time employment at the moment but i still believe and try my best to update my blog at least three times a week this sometimes get very time consuming but  i am trying my best to keep this up.

What can you do to keep your blog updated regularly? Well there are a few things you can do, one such idea is to open your blog up to Guest Posting, this is a good idea as many bloggers loves to write guest post which is a benefit to both the blog owner on the guest poster. Setting a “Bloggers Time table” is another good way of keeping your blog updated setting time apart for writing your post is the best way to go about it. This is just like working you need to get to work for 8am you make the effort to leave your home on time. There are all sort of reason why we fail to update our blog reason like suffering from the writers’ block.

How often should you update your blog? This is a personal choice with no right or wrong answer to this it is a matter of personal choice. The best idea is to choose a frequency of how often to post and test the results. How often do you update your blog? Share your thoughts on this or share your solution.


50 thoughts on “How Often Should you Post”
  1. I would say that its best to post as often as possible, as famous newspapers also make their money with multiple posts and not just one. However in the end, it doesnt matter how often you post, as long as you do it on a consistent basis.

    1. That is true that famous news paper uses multi authors and even freelance writers to fill their papers so as bloggers we don’t have any specific time to write new content and you are correct we need to post on a consitent basic. thanks for your input

  2. Hey Lawmacs:
    Hope you are doing great as usual. How often should write a blog post? Depends What is the main reason to blog. to get more subscribers, you should write a post every day. For providing the latest information in your niche you should blog three to four times a week.
    If you are writing informative post longer than 1, 000 words three to two times a week. It is your blog, do it as many times as you want…there is freedom in this one. These are my random ramblings not based on any rule but logic.
    lawmacs, you have naturally good writing style, writing simple and easy posts is one of the best ways to get more readers.
    Fran A

    1. lawmacs
      I have a question to ask. Your “Recent comment” is a plug it or you program it. I am looking for a plug in to write about comments. let me know please.
      Thank you

    2. Thanks for the kind words and for adding your voice to the debate here i believe that posting two to three times per week is good but as you have said post as much as you want.

  3. Great post Gary! I would say you need to post at least one article every three days to get noticed. However, quality is always better than quantity.

    1. I agree with you Nicola posting at least once every three day in my views is a great way of keeping your blog up to date and also allowing your readers the time to read and promote your blog.

  4. I write whenever I feel I have something to share with the readers. Also I try to keep it regular so that I do not fall in a rut. It is not possible to write phenomenal articles every day or even every week . So I write small articles when I don’t have enough material to cover a topic. The idea is to keep writing so that one gets the flow going. Whenever I get the writer’s block, I go and read blogs of other writers and it gives me new ideas.
    Thanks and regards

    1. Reading post from other blogs is a great way of brain storming ideas when you are stuck for ideas. Thanks for taking the time to participate in the debate your comments are always welcome

    1. It looks like it is your first time here let me take the time to say welcome to my blog and i will agree with you that you should update your blog regularly but at the same time ensure that you are writting quality content. Thanks for taking the time to add to the debate.

    1. Thanks for taking the time to participate in the conversation as bloggers we should strive to produce quality content to post so that our readers can have good articles to read about

  5. One should not post in blog just for the heck of updating it. It is better to update blog with quality content but if you happen to have a Tech blog then to keep in pace with recent happenings regular blog posting is required.

    1. You are right updating a blog for the sake of updating keeping up with a blog of your niche is one heck of job but because tech is always changing it is a good idea to keep it updated regularly thanks for your comment.

  6. As you already mentioned, there is no right or wrong answer to your question. I used to post an average of two to three times per week but recently I’m only posting once per week. The reason for that is not having enough time.

    Whether a person posts once per week or every day, it’s more important to post quality articles, as well as, providing your readers with the type of useful information they are looking for.

    1. Thats right Robert i try to post at least three times a week but like you sometimes i am very very busy but i do my best to keep up. I totally agree with you it is better to post once a week with quality articles than post every day just for posting sake.

  7. Nice question bro. Well, finally it depends upon my wish. If I want to write daily, I will do it any cost. But if I don’t then nothing can help. I’ve been very inconsistent with my blog postings from long. Earlier, I used to post almost daily but it looks very impossible these days. Being into a full time job and hectic schedule, it is getting very difficult for me to concentrate more on my blog. Still I have been managing to post at least 2 posts per week. I need to do it more often. For me, it is mostly about quality writing. Even if you are not posting daily, it doesn’t matter much. Take your time, research well and then come out with your post…that will work much better. It should. Postings daily may lead to quality loss and thus lose of your readers…I think none of us would be ready for the same 🙁

    1. Well said Aswani i agree with you i myself holds down a nine to five job and also i am a dad with a little nine year old girl this can get very busy at times however two or three times a week is good enough.

  8. I can manage to write only 2-3 posts per month. Any suggestions for my blog @ will be greatly appreciated.

    1. Hi Arup Thanks for stopping by and welcome it doesn’t matter how often you update your blog the main thing you should ensure is that you are witing good quality post ones that your readers find helpful. I had a look at your blog and i can see that is fairly new so you need to have patience and reserach your topic and that will help you. Hope to see you around Thanks for your comment.

  9. I must add that it’s not so important how often you write posts (okay, one per week would be some extra minumum), but what’s more important is the quality of your posts. And if you want to succeed as a blogger, you should pay attention to interact with your readers as much as you can.

    1. You are right once a week is okay but it should be the quality that matters i try writing twice per week and on sunday i do my round up that makes three post per week but sometimes i get very busy because at this moment i am in fulltime employment. Thanks for your comment.

  10. Hi, Gary. I had a schedule on when I post articles on the blog section of my site before. I usually posted two to three times a week myself. But, with everything that’s been going on, specially the launching of my site’s new look, I just didn’t have time to follow my schedule. I hope I can pick it up soon though because I know how important it is to put forward informative content, not just for search engines, but specially for our target readers. Thanks for the post.

    – Wes –

    1. That is what sometimes happen we get busy try to meet other deadlines and the writing gets left behind but i do hope and i know you will be back on schedule in due time Thanks for your input

  11. Hi Lawmacs,
    A positive discussion has been started in response of your post. So I will also take part in it by sharing my personal experience.
    Quality of content is necessary than the number of posts per month. There is no reason to hold your posts or to write something meaningless article just to follow any schedule. Write whenever you have something to write.
    Nazam Warriach

    1. You hit the nail on the head quality is what really matters writing post of low quality sometimes drive away our readers. Writing whenever we have sometime to write is good as long as it is of benefit to our readers.

  12. It is important for bloggers to update their blogs with fresh and quality content,which will automatically get them visitors.

    1. That is true we need to keep our blog updated however we should not post just to post we should ensure that we continue to write quality content that is of benefit to our readers and keep them interested.

  13. Hi Gary,
    This surely has no right or wrong answer. It also depends on the individual on how often he/she writes. Like you, I am also a part-time blogger with a full-time job and doing other tasks associated with family stuff. I write when I can and make it at least one or two posts a week. Guest posting is also important, and I think soon I’ll be accepting guest posts as well. But first, gotta write some guest posts for other blogs.

    1. Thanks for taking the time to add your voice to the debate i must also say welcome to my blog. Been a part time blogger running a family and holding down a full time job can be very time consuming however we still needs to make the effort and find the time to write those quality post. Thanks for your comment.

  14. Hello,

    The secret of posting is to post interesting things. Try to find the perfect equilibrum to keeping your readers waiting for your content (make them come back daily) and not writing too much so the reader would stop reading your content because of the overflow of it. Try to keep a constant rate of posting, a constant rate that the reader will learn and get used to it and follow it. Try to write only great articles – well structured and interesting, don’t tend to bore the readers, write only the things that are worth of writing about. Thank you for sharing this excellent article, I really enjoyed reading it! Keep up the good work!

    Best regards,


    1. That is the idea Maria Pavel we should post interesting article to keep our readers coming back and get those repeated visit which are easier to convert to customers. Thanks for taking the time to add your voice to the debate.

  15. Based on my own experience, the daily post is better if you write about a stuff that always change such as stocks market as example. However, as you said, we should not write just for sake of updating.

    1. Hi Dana long time i guess it is safe to say there are no right or wrong answer but we can put it down to the niche that we are blogging in as you rightly said if we are blogging about stock market then it would be a good idea to blog daily.

  16. I’ve seen quite a few bloggers post about this recently. Most of them recommend blogging as often as you can, especially if you’re just starting out. If you’re not a huge blogger with thousands of readers, daily content might not be needed. But definitely often enough that you’re comfortable with the schedule and don’t lose your visitors.


    1. It is widely recommended that you post regularly when your blog is new but to be honest i can see the benefit of this i believe that when you are starting out you should set a time frame for posting and stick to it. New blog needs promotion not just new content. Thanks for your comment.

  17. i always used to post daily on differnt blogs because i always think that i will have to share something with the other peoples ……………

    1. Thanks for adding your voice to the debate posting daily is great as long as it is quality content there is no hard and fast rule to that great content is more vital than frequency. Thanks for your comment.

  18. Even i feel that by posting regularly even we get the feedback on a regular basis which also helps us in remaining updated.

    1. regular posting is good but i don’t think we should post for the sake of posting we should always write quality posts that are of vlaue to our readers. Thanks for your comment,

    1. That is true at the moment i try to do just that write three post per week and i think that is good enough however if your log has a large readers base then you could choose to post more often.

  19. Short blog posts and articles are a very good idea. They grab attention and keep the reader engaged with the content of the website. Handy links to further posts and content are also vital on blog to ensure the reader finds your content and the items relevant to them.

  20. I agree that how often you post does not matter for as long as it does not take months before you create another post. hehe. 2 or 3 times a week is fine.

  21. I run a personal blog, but I really don’t get around to updating it as much as I would like. I’m always impressed with bloggers who are able to update their content multiple times a day, I’m just not that opinionated!

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