Sunday Post Roundup #12


March 19, 2011 ,

sunday postHere is this week Sunday post “Round up” , a few weeks back in one of my weekly Round Up i feature Seo and this week i will bring you too post written about Search Engine Optimization as this is a subject close to my heart as i think is the same with most of you bloggers. This time i will feature two brilliantly written post about search Engine Optimization. We as bloggers do have a voice and with that voice we can reach out to others lets send our thoughts to the people of Japan.

(1)Top Four Ways Blogging Can Really Change the World In light of the recent global events, such as the uprising in Tunisia and Egypt and Libya as well as the earthquake and tsunami in Japan, I began to think of ways that my own actions could create some good results for people around the world. After all, much of what bloggers do is relegated to online communities, and often we don’t see the direct results of our writing. We don’t often see how our writing can directly affect another person ‘in real life.’

(2)11 Best SEO Blogs to Follow in 2011 As an SEO practitioner, it’s imperative to keep your knowledge about the industry up-to-date, given that search engine optimization is a constantly evolving field.So in this short post, I’ll just share the SEO blogs that I personally follow, which I believe offer the most educational experience when it comes to different areas of search engine optimization.

(3) How to Build an Affiliate Auto responder Sequence without “Burning” a ListWhat’s the secret to earning a full-time affiliate income with email marketing? It starts with the perfect email auto responder sequence. With an auto responder, you get to contact subscribers multiple times about an affiliate offer. The best part is it’s a “set it and forget it” solution. All you have to is to create a sequence one time and it’ll make money for years to come. Now, an auto responder sequence shouldn’t be used to bombard a list with offer after offer. Instead it’s important to strike that healthy balance between providing value and promoting a product.

(4)Updates and Confirmations from the SEO Top – SMX West Updates – SMX West didn’t bring many new things to the table, but it did explain a few things better for everyone to understand, especially regarding the Farmer/Panda update. We have Matt Cutts and Danny Sullivan and other SEO experts to thank for that. You can read the detailed post on Search Engine Land if you want, honestly, I recommend that you do. If you don’t have enough time you can read the brief summary with my personal notes here.

Feel free to leave your comment and also visit these sites for further readings. Sharing is caring please retweet and share on Facebook.


10 thoughts on “Sunday Post Roundup #12”
    1. Thanks for taking the time to leave your comment Shabnam and i am glad you find the link very useful hope the post help you in some form are the other.

  1. Gary,
    Another Sunday and what looks to be another great “roundup” Thanks for including my post and for giving us some great sources. Have a wonderful week!

    1. Thanks Steve glad you found the Round Up great it is always a pleasure to do this post sharing of information is what we bloggers do. Thanks for your input much appreciated.

    1. Aswani that was agreat gester from you to take the time to remember the victims and survivors of that disaster this is something we all face my heart goes out to the japanese.

  2. Thanks for the mention Gary 🙂

    I’ll be very busy writing this week, I have two big posts coming up this week (hopefully).

    Also, I enjoyed reading your earlier post bro – “essential marketing moves” – I also included it on my first ever round up 🙂

    @Shabnam: Glad you liked it 🙂

    1. Jason thanks for the mentioned i do hope we have a few more bloggers following on here Round up are great way of sharing information on the web. thanks again fo taking the time to add your voice to the debate.

  3. Hi Gary,
    All of your posts you mentioned here are really interesting! I have just finished reading the first one “Top Four Ways Blogging Can Really Change the World”. Moving on to the next.

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