
Your Design is it Crap ?

templateYour design is it Crap? Wow i just heard you say now lawmacs sounds crazy but seriously have a look at your website design and ask yourself is this Crap? Well let me explain “Crap” in the world of design is an Acronym not a word which stands for Contrast, Repetition, Alignment and Proximity. For many of you, you should be familiar with the term Crap as this is what we refer to as good design concept in the designing world. So if you’re wondering what that is all about now you have it. Your design should meet these standards else have a look again and see if any adjustments can be made. If your design is crap then it is of Good standard it is like say bad meaning very well. Now lets look at the four concepts one at time

Contrast simply means difference.. We are not conscious of it, but we are scanning and looking for similarities and differences all the time. Contrast is what we notice, and it’s what gives a design its energy. So you should make elements that are not the same clearly different, not just slightly different. Contrast is one of the most powerful design concepts of them all because really any design element can be contrasted with another. You can achieve contrast in many ways—for example, through the manipulation of space (near and far, empty and filled), through colour choices (dark and light, cool and warm), by text selection (serif and sans serif, bold and narrow), by positioning of elements (top and bottom, isolated and grouped), and so on.

Repetition The principle of repetition simply means the reusing of the same or similar elements throughout your design.

Alignment The whole point of the alignment principle is that nothing in your slide design should look as if it were placed there randomly. Every element is connected visually via an invisible line. Where repetition is more concerned with elements across a deck of slides, alignment is about obtaining unity among elements of a single slide. Even elements that are quite far apart on a slide should have a visual connection, something that is easier to achieve with the use of grids.

Proximity The principle of proximity is about moving things closer or farther apart to achieve a more organized look. The principle says that related items should be grouped together so that they will be viewed as a group, rather than as several >unrelated elements. Audiences will assume that items that are not near each other in a design are not closely related. Audiences will naturally tend to group similar items that are near to each other into a single unit.

There you have it crap is actually a good word in design terms now its over to you tell me is your design Crap?

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