7 Popular Mistakes You Must Avoid In Your Blog Design


September 26, 2012 , ,

The design of the blog has a great impact on the user experience. It determines whether the visitors feel well on your blog or not. There are many factors to be considered. This list describes seven common mistakes in web design, which you should absolutely avoid in your blog design.

1-The Color of Visited Links does not Change

On many blogs, you find no color difference between the visited links and new links. Most of the times, it is linked to one and the same item from different places and every time a different anchor text is used. A reader can not tell if he has already visited the linked site or not. If you change the color of already visited articles, it will save you from the unnecessary visitors’ clicks on an already-read post.

In many cases, the links are colored to match the design of the rest of the blog. My tip is to mark previously visited links in a less conspicuous color. The text color is very suitable for this because the link does not attract the readers’ eyes and is perceived as a normal text.

2-Inconsistent Parsing of URLs

Another common error is to include blog articles and each time linking differently. Once with WWW, even without a slash at the end, again without www at the beginning and with a slash. While linking, you have to remain consistent.

3-The Sidebar Widgets with Unnecessary Patch-up

Unless you are really sure what to place in the sidebar, you must not fill it with unnecessary widgets.

4-No Search Offer

Each blog should have search function, which can be used to sift through archived articles.

5-Stress and Less Usability

Usability includes many different factors. It plays important role in how well your visitors navigate through the blog while finding something. The best way is to allow the readers to reach any content domain of the problem in a maximum of two to three clicks.

6-Use of Images for Navigation

It not only increases the loading times, but also unattractive for the search engines and are not appropriate to include an anchor text. It must be noted that one should always use text instead of images. Unless it is not possible due to the blog design, you should not rely on images. It does not offer any good advantages and should be avoided.


7-Wrong Use of Tag-Cloud

A tag cloud is a famous feature of blogs. As a blogger, it is essential to understand why this function is good. If you defines a new post each day and do not relate them properly, then there will be countless words in the cloud and the widget will give no value to your readers.

Tags will combine items from different categories, which are thematically appropriate. While creating new posts, you should scroll through all old tags, so that there should not appear inappropriate new tags disturbing the old tags.

For example, I have a SEO blog with three categories: news, tools and tips. In each category, among all entries, there are posts on the news, tools and tips about Google. If I view the posts, I get all the posts that are entered in this category. But as I do not publish contents on Google often, therefore, a separate category does worth. I tagged all posts accordingly and the reader can still find all of the entries on just Google. The art of tag clouds is to tag correctly.

Author’s Bio:

Muddassir began his career in finance at Mortgage Company. Now, he helps people getting Payday loans. Here is the link to his website.


0 thoughts on “7 Popular Mistakes You Must Avoid In Your Blog Design”
  1. I agree with most of your points. In particular I don’t like to see unnecessary widgets for filler or tag clouds. I didn’t even like tag clouds when they first came out some years ago and I’m surprised they’ve stay around so long. They are just so old school and need to go!

  2. I don’t use images for navigation and tag clouds.I want my blog design to be simple yet attractive to the readers.Thanks for sharing your ideas.

  3. Hi!In my case,my blog design has a tag cloud.I like it.I just use it properly..Thanks for sharing the popular mistakes that must be avoided in blog design.

  4. All these points should be taken care of while designing the blog.And there should be limited amount of ads if you are placing them in your blog.

  5. Thanks for the extremely thoughtful and insightful comment! I checked out your website and see that you are avoiding all the common blog design mistakes.

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