Aspect Of Blog Marketing


September 2, 2011 , ,

Internet MarketingBlog marketing is a combination of many things all put together to make one great blog that is
successful and that has many readers. However, if you think that you have done everything
possible, chances are that you have not. Or that you should do more. When you are working
on marketing a blog, you never get to a stopping point. There is always something that you can
do to continue to grow and make your blog well known. What are these things you ask? Keep
reading to find out.

Blog marketing will keep you very busy. If you have more than one blog going that you want
the highest and the best rankings for, you may have to hire some help. However make sure
that you have good content. If you do not have good content, there is no reason for your
readers to come back to your blog after their first visit. Keep writing good content as well. If it
starts to go down hill, you may find that your reader status does as well and that could hurt you
in the long run. Good content is key.

Something else that many blog owners do not realize when they are marketing their blog is
that it needs to be updated. Post content in your blog regularly for the best results. Maybe once
a day is good for you? Perhaps you are more comfortable with one post a week? Whichever it
is, be consistent with it and know that it will pay off to continue posting as you should.
Just having a blog about anything, or random subjects is not always a great idea. You have to
have a niche market in order to market your blog successfully. For example, lets say one day
you made a blog post on the current news, and the next day it was on your current marital
situation. You will not be able to keep a blog audience posting off the wall things time after
time. Find your area of expertise and run with it. You can be an expert on that market in your
blogging community. Readers will go to your blog daily to find out what it is that the expert is
going to say next. It really does work this way.

Make sure that your blog design stands out. You don’t want your blog to look and feel like
everyone else’s, so make it different. Having your own look is a huge plus in the blog marketing
world. You will find that most blogs all look the same and you can have your own look by just
using HTML and adjusting the code to suit your taste. You are going to see that this will truly
make a difference with your blog as well as your readers. Try to get a theme that is going to
match the market that you are promoting in your blog. Doing so will make it look even more

Do you know SEO? SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. If you are not familiar with
SEO, you need to get that way and fast. Using SEO will help you to market your blog to the
fullest extent possible. Optimizing your blog posts as well as the HTML will get you results that
you will love. Studying everything that you can find on SEO will help you immensely. You will
find that there is so much more to bog marketing than just making a post on your blog

If you don’t all ready, be sure that your blog has the RSS feeds. Having these feeds will allow
others to be able to link to you blog. Having many links a huge part of blog marketing that you
want to take advantage of as well. When someone uses the RSS feeds from your blog, they
are able to get the posts that you make, and will give you a link back from their blog, or
website, whichever they posted it on.


24 thoughts on “Aspect Of Blog Marketing”
    1. Agree no more..great and informative content easily can attract hundred of free blog marketing I think…myself as a reader always seek informative content and share it back if that information useful

  1. Blog Marketing is not one time thing , it is a continuous process. To market your blog you require unique content, SEO along with a good appealing design.

    Have a nice week Gary 🙂

  2. I agree with you that blog is important to site’s marketing. Here, we can give full information about our sites. And user easy to find out all information about which he wants.

  3. That’s true blog marketing can makes you successful amongst many people and social networking can also help you to get good benfits.

  4. I agree that blog marketing is not an once off thing, but rather an ongoing process. The best way to market is through consistently valuable content.

    PS Wanted to make sure you saw your blog on my new CommentLuv enabled blog list!

  5. Life-sustaining virtual of blog-marketing. First Good Content is must for dominating world class standing for blog-marketing and good content is also essential for reader to revisit again to blog. Fast exploitation of SEO, (Search Engine Optimization) is beneficial advantage. RSS feeds is also important format for delivering regularly changing web content & permit the some other user to link to you blog.

  6. I have always wondered what the RSS are about, but thanks for letting me know. And you are right, a blog is constant work!

  7. Yeap, I agree with the post that their needs to be changes made in the blog marketing method to improve the method of marketing rather than using the Old Stone Age kind of working like a unpolished method of marketing. I feel rather they need to have some knowledge on the market conditions as they are asked to up gradation will improve the marketing techniques, knowledge and method of marketing will help in increased market share. This will help in blog marketing as well.

  8. Google Adsense is paying with highly ranked to you for your blog . Now any one can make money and spend his living with working on blog market with Google Adsense

  9. Blog marketing is a great method of gaining online exposure. And i agree that it is a combination of many things, and for me a great blog marketing strategy is a combination of skills, consistency and persistence.

  10. I am becoming so irritated when people are posting regularly updated content, particularly AUDIO content (podcasts), and yet they refuse to post an RSS feed! Why would someone operate this way!

  11. As what SEOMoz have said, Content is King! Having to write a great content and a sales copy can sometimes be a hard task uphill. There are times when you get some outsourcing help and times when you want to write the content by yourself. To write a good content, one must also be considerate of spelling and grammar mistakes, punctuations, and duplicate copies as well.

    Good job in creating this article. Do you know of any more blog marketing strategies aside from the ones you mentioned in the post? I’d be willing to contribute more or write as a guest writer in the future.

    Best regards,


  12. Content should be considered as the soul of Blog marketing. Good knowledge in grammar and punctuations in content writing can impress the global audiences with excellent and different design. As for the fresher SEOs and RSS feed backs would help them immensely to develop their blog marketing. And they should not consider it as an easy task.

  13. Great post. I’ve made several contacts in the blogosphere by commenting on people’s posts. It’s interesting to see even some of the more popular blogs that don’t get comments. I wonder what makes the difference in blogs that receive a lot of comments and those that don’t.

  14. A lot of new bloggers face a common problem.Most of them think that they will make a blog and that they will make money.In order to make money form a blog it is a lot of time consuming and it needs a lto of effort and searching.Another problem as you said is the lack of seo and of course a lot of different topics.It is very difficult to make a blog with different topics and it needs a lot of experience.Nice to meet you admin.Keep updating!

  15. Blog marketing requires good quality content to attract more bloggers and thus you will be succeed. Attracting more bloggers help you to increase the traffic thus this is part of seo.

  16. Blog Marketing is a good thing.. from SEO point of view blog is on of the most important tool for getting a backlinks… you can share your website lnk in to your blog by which you can get backlinks…

  17. I agree that blog marketing is not an once off thing, but rather an ongoing process. The best way to market is through consistently valuable content.

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