Optimize For Better Ranking


March 11, 2010

Search Engine Optimisation is on every website owners agenda unless your website is just a photo blog that you share with your closet friends and family, if that is the case then that is okay else you need to Optimize your contents for better search engine results. Writing you blog post is brilliant we can write as much as we want, a post a day or twice daily that is brilliant without any visitors we are just building an archive of post or creating something for future reference. Doing that is just like paying your insurance premium and waiting for something to happen to benefit from it.

Using Your Main Keyword

Choosing your keyword for your web page is very important and you should pay attention to this. How do people find your website?, the obvious answer would be by searching using search engines, now that we establish this fact we realize that our website must be visible in search results pages for us to get notice. How do i do that you may asked?, by optimizing our web pages is the answer, lets face it there are billions of web pages out there and the competition is on for the two first Search Engine Results Pages.

Search Engines

Search Engines understands what a web page is all about by reading the contents of those pages and analysing the frequency of your keyword or phrases in the content. You or you Search engine Consultant can encourages search results by associating your web pages with your chosen keyword or keyword phrases. The idea here is to get in front of all your competitors and be listed on the front pages of all major Search Engines.

Paying Attention

Sometimes we need to start looking at the basics like paying attention to your title, Contrary to popular belief your “Blog Title” plays a vital role in the optimization process so it is an important point of focus, All the popular blogging platform allows you to modify this through their control panel . Your h1 tags they are very important . Increasing your keyword density is another valuable idea for your blog, but be careful not to stuff your post with to much keywords this might seems like spam and could be banned by Search Engines like Google.

They are other ways to Optimize your website and its’ content like (1) Using HTML Tags to emphasize the importance of your Keywords (2) Including Meta tags in your website using again keyword or keyword phrases and last but not least do it the old fashion way submit your blog to all major search engines. these are just some simple tips to optimize your website try them and remember it takes time and testing and tweaking will bring you the results you need. If you like this post go on feel free to share it.


18 thoughts on “Optimize For Better Ranking”
  1. Plain basics and quite easy to follow. Only thing, you must know your niche..in other words, your keywords without which everything goes in vain. Your keywords are your business and so any mistake in recognizing them can be fatal. Once you have them then you should make sure that those are being used at the right places..means as per the SEO guidelines. Should always follow white hat SEO methods…avoid any black hat technique. What I know is that even though we do it all right, we can never guarantee anything..top ranking I mean. SEO is a very time consuming and continuous process as per to me..better do it properly or if you cannot then please do no try anything foolish…won’t pay off anything 🙁

  2. SEO is certainly on my agenda. I’m constantly trying to improve my search rankings and it seems to be an ongoing task. If you don’t stay on top of it, you will notice a dramatic decrease in your rankings.

    Fortunately, there are lots of tools and plug-ins to help with these tasks. One of my favorite wordpress plug-ins is the Platinum SEO Pack which can be downloaded free here: https://techblissonline.com/platinum-seo-pack/ This has got me excellent results.

  3. Well said Aswani your comment shows that you are well knowledgable about SEO and avoiding "Black Hat SEO" is a must if you can’t do it the right way then don’t do it at all.

  4. Robert SEO is not an easy task we have tried it for a long time and sometimes it seems we are loosing the battle however we can’t sit back and rest the robots are getting smarter and the competition tougher

  5. Keywords are very important for getting better rank in search engine and it should be used by doing proper research .SEO i always believe that they are for long term use and if done correctly gives good result.

  6. Well if you are talking about getting good rank then it is really necessary to have better SEO optimized pages and when it matters in Alexa as well.

  7. Yes you are right, proper keyword research is very much important before start SEO work.When selecting the keywords we should not take the high competitive keywords.

  8. Getting SEO right is hard work for bloggers unless you hire a proper and proffessional company it just about tweaking anf changing until you get it right.

  9. That is why it is always a bit time consuming because we need to do proper research for the best results.

  10. It is good to have a good alexa Ranking but anybody can achieved that with or without good SEO or optimized pages but remember when optimizing your pages never forget that page load time should be a factor taking into consideration.

  11. I have been blogging for almost 9 months now and I haven’t paid attention to SEO. Actually, I’m not really focusing of keyword optimization which is perhaps the reason for my few visitors. Thanks for sharing here important information that I will apply to my blog. 🙂

  12. Seo is very important for your blog and its success however when do SEO never ignore your readers they are just as important. Thanks for stopping by Walter.

  13. a blog is unfortunate when to look for traffic only, but people seeking and obtaining all the information content of the blog comes from search engines. I agree and confirm proper keyword research is very much important

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  16. Great post…Well every website owner wants to get successful in business campaign, for that purpose he/she use that SEO techniques and methods in order to get successful SEO result at the end.

    There are three types of SEO factors which are very useful for search engine ranking, so always considers these three one:
    1. Keywords
    2. Content
    3. Links

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