Round Up #14


April 3, 2011 , ,

It is Sunday and it is time for this week “Round Up”  where some brilliant post get featured. This Round is a feature of lawmacs Web Design Blog that you my readers can help with by spreading the word and recommending any great post that you come across during your web journey. This week Round Up features a mixture of post covering different topics from across the web. Post one is one to have a look at especially if you are a WordPress fan a new social bookmarking website is born. This time the great Ditesco is behind it for WordPress lovers.

(1) Word Press Junkies, New Word Press Social Network Is BornLast week, I hinted about a “top secret” project that I was working on with Michele of New Biz Blogger  Today, it is time to unveil what this project is all about, as we are very excited and hope that you can be a part of it. Michele approached me about a month ago with an idea of creating a Word Press Social Network. Something specific (in topic), unique, useful and user friendly.

(2) Link Building 101 – How to Determine the Quality of Potential Links Without Looking at the Page Rank – We already talked about Page Rank and the importance of PR in link building, or in other words, the lack of it today. Page Rank is not the factor you should be looking at these days when building links, if you want to look at ranks so bad, you can look at MozRank, it’s currently more accurate and what is more important, it’s regularly updated. But we are not here to talk about Page Rank or MozRank, we are here to talk about ranking your pages on your own. We are here to talk about how to determine what quality are the potential links without looking at any of these premade ranks. This is the only way to ensure that you actually get a high quality link. Of course before you go any further, this is only for serious and advanced link building. If you want to build profile links or comments or links through directories this wont’ make much difference.

(3) Monetize Your Blog’s Subscriber List – I’ve seen so many emails from first time web developers asking me how to make more money with Google Adsense. I don’t want to discount Google as a way to monetize a website, however, the best way to make money online comes from your subscriber list. It will take a lot more effort than pasting a few blocks of Adsense code in your site but it will be worth it in the long run.

(4) How to Increase Your Retweets, Twitter Followers & Klout If you own a blog, I want you to do the following three things for me right now, prior to reading this post. 1. Go to one of your blog posts. 2. Find the button on your blog post page that allows users to retweet your posts. 3. Click on that button. If any of the following four things happened… 1. You couldn’t find your retweet button because you don’t have one. 2. The message sent only had a URL link to your post. 3. The message sent had the full URL link to your post. 4. The message sent did not have your Twitter username in it. Then you need to continue reading this post and take some action!

Thanks for reading hope this post are helpful to you and please feel free to share them and leave your comment below.


16 thoughts on “Round Up #14”
    1. Thanks Shabnam those two post you have mentioned is great as Seo and making money are two main priority for us as bloggers.Thanks for your comment Shabnam.

    1. You are most welcome and thaks for taking the time to add your voice to the debate and since this seems to be your first time here i do hope to have your visit again.

  1. We have got a good amount of subscribers list but haven’t thought of monetizing it ,will look for that now

    1. That is the way to go Bishwajeet remember the saying the money is in the list so now you should start making money from that list. Thanks for your comment.

  2. Wow, another great roundup. Other things aside, lol, I am very intrigued to read the link building 101 article. And thanks for the mention and for your support for WPJ. Hope to see there too, if you are not already 🙂

    1. Will be there soon Ditesco the link building 101 article is brilliant and was written by Zarko a very knowledgable seo writer and he is a pro a what he does thanks for your visit Ditesco.

  3. As soon as I saw this post I completed reading no.2 & no. 4 post. Now I am preparing to read other article. Thanks for sharing

    1. Thanks i do hope that you find the post useful and of some benefit to you and your readers who knows one day your site may be featured here. Thanks for your visit and your comment.

  4. Hi Lawmacs,

    Thanks so much for including my blog once again in your weekly Round Up. Even though I didn’t author that particular post, I greatly appreciate being included with all those other outstanding posts.

    1. No Problem Robert the article was brilliant that is why it made it into Round Up you have some great post over on your blog and i strongly believe that they are of benefit to the wider community.

  5. Enjoyed reading Zarko and Kristi’s posts. Excellent list Gary!

    By the way, you should check out, there are a lot of awesome SEO, blogging and social media articles there, you can share some of your cool posts there bro 🙂

  6. .Everyone is always talking about the importance of getting high quality links from other blogs and websites and while this is hugely important many people overlook their own internal linking…Generally speaking when it comes ranking well on search engine page results its very important that you do everything you can to make it easy for to figure out what the heck your blog post is about. One of the big clues you can give a search engine as to what your page is about are the links you include to other pages on your own site. So if you have a blog post about The History of John Smith and you refer to a previous post you did on The History of John Smith and you put your hyperlink to that post on the words John Smith youve provided a lot of information to a search engine that this post is about The History of John Smith..Makes pretty good sense doesnt it?.If you think about it from a users perspective when someone comes to your site looking for information on John Smith youre serving that person better if you have related links to other information from within your own site that they also might find useful.

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