Sunday Post Round Up


January 30, 2011 ,

Sunday Post Round-upThis has been a very busy month for me did not spend much time browsing the web as i normally do and for those of you who are wondering how i am doing everything is okay just very very busy at the moment should be free soon as i will be off from the 9 to 5 for about three weeks early February. Now back to why you are here. this week Round Up features for post and for my friend Devesh from Techshare i must say welcome to Round Up for the first time a blogger has made a double entry into Round Up. I must take this time to say a big thank you to Aswani from one stop blog and also Shabnam from Techiezlounge for keeping in touch.

(1)How to Select a Niche For Your Blog If you have a blog or you’re planning to start a blog there is every probability you’ve read one or two articles about building a successful blog. You will notice one major advice most of these blog posts give is that you should have a niche. The truth about blogging is that it is almost impossible to keep up with a particular niche because there are a lot of topics to blog about and someone who blogs about building a successful blog will still blog about getting traffic or making money online at one point or the other. This is no excuse for you not to choose a niche because the niche you choose will have a great impact on your success.

(2)4 Easy Steps To Sell Your Own Product Online – First and foremost you have need of a plan to understand what are your readers needs. There several ways to put down a digital product. If you want to write an ebook, there’s no need to put together a 200 pages, people don’t care. You can teach something in 30 pages as well, as long as it’s unique and works. There are so many different ways you can put down a new product, depending on your topic, and what you want your readers to know. In a nutshell you have to solve a problem, so If we take the example of make money online, the problem being solved is people learning how to make money online.

(3)Why blog posting is mostly like movie making ? We have seen many movies, haven’t we. Most of the movies have predictable storyline. Main protagonist meets another protagonist, falls in love, break up or is separated by villain and is then reunited in the end. Well that pretty much sums up the formula or template for 80% of the movies. If the story is known to us in advance and it predictable, why still we want to go and see the movies again and again. The reason lies in the fact that viewers long for connectivity. They to experience certain situations that are related to their own. They want to see the acting, theatrics, special effects etc. It really does not matter if the story line remains the same across thousands of movies.

(4)5 Reasons Your Blog Needs a Niche Starting a blog is not too difficult, and in all likelihood you already have one if you’re like many readers out there. But finding a blog niche can be a harder task. Every blog needs a niche—a specific and unique focus that drives all written and visual content and the blog’s brand. Having a niche has many benefits which will ultimately help drive more traffic – and ideally, revenue – to your blog. Here are just a few reasons why your blog needs a niche.

(5)Business Blogging – An Effective way to Influence Readers Buying Decision Business blogging have become something important for businesses today. It does not only help in attracting customers and clients but it also helps in influencing the buying decisions of readers. Consumer behaviour was not given that much importance in older ages but with development of modern studies and introduction of customer oriented marketing strategies, consumer behaviour came up as something important. For every business it is an aim to understand the consumer behaviour and implement strategies which help in influencing the buying decision of customers and clients. And business blogging makes it easy for them to achieve this aim.

There you have it for this weeks’ Round Up  as usual please feel free to leave your comment and spread the word. I must take this time to remind you that Round Up is open to you for submission of great post that you are any blogger writes. Thanks for been here.


18 thoughts on “Sunday Post Round Up”
  1. I know that you are very busy and credit goes to you for publishing this article inspite of being busy :).

    I am a regular visitor of the blogs whose articles have been published and are all excellent.

    See you soon bro online :).

    1. Thanks shabnam i still visit many blogs even yours the trouble is i am very very busy at the moment even do i do not comment alot of late i stiil take the time to visit. Thanks for your support.

  2. Thanks for fitting another useful post into your busy routine… hope life gets a little less hectic soon!

    Keep up the good work Gary.

    1. Thanks the year started really busy for me going on holiday soon so i hope i will find the time to rest and blog more Thanks for your kind words.

  3. Despite of your busy schedule,you have managed to provide us with great articles and nicely summed up round ups.Keep it up.

    1. Thanks jimmy looks like this is your first time here welcome to my site i am honoured to have you here glad you found the articles to your likeness thanks for taking the time to add your voice to the debate

  4. We can understand your busy routine. Even we are also faced with the same situation. Glad to see you back online. Thanks so much again for sharing my one of mine links. I will check out the rest. Have a nice week 🙂

    1. It is hard to stay away from it all Aswani blogging is now engrave in my blood sometimes i wonder if i am becoming and addict. Thanks for your continued support and for doing that guest post

  5. Gary,

    I have been pretty darn busy myself and have not had nearly the time to get around like I like to, so I really feel ya!

    Great link post with some good looking links. It is nice to see that you are still getting around somewhat even though you are busy. ROck on!

    1. Thanks Steve blogging is a passion and Round Up is my thing i am making sure that i keep up with it as much as possible i do understand it can get busy from time to time will be back to normal soon

  6. Having a niche when blogging is good but somewhere down the line, the likelihood of feeling trapped is high when the ideas just ain’t flowing no longer and you ain’t getting guest posts.

    That’s why I decided to make my second blog kinda niche-less so I can blog about just whatever I feel like ;-). It’s a lot less stressful than when you have to rack your brains for articles targeted @ your niche.

    1. You have made a valuable point here Udegbunam blogging for a specific Niche do has its drawback as you righlty said but don’t forget it attracts a specific ste of readers who will always beloyal to your blog. Having said that it is also good to have a general niche blog.

  7. Followed the link ‘why blog posting is mostly like movie making?’.. I liked the way how Ashvini paralleled blogging with making a movie. I think her post would be greatly appreciated by newbies who find blogging too technical. They would need something they could relate at (movie making is one) to better understand how to post blog effectively.

    1. Ashivini is a young and up coming blogger who writes with passion he is a great guy thanks for your comment and it was nice to know that you found the link interesting. That was what Round Up was set out to do.

  8. Hi Lawmacs,
    Just finished reading the first and second article. On to the third “Why blog posting is mostly like movie making?” Thanks for sharing this list of posts!

    1. Thanks Felicia that was on interesting Article written by a brilliant blogger who writes from his heart and is never afraid to express himself. Thanks for your continued support.

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