
Understanding Alexa Rankings

alexa-rankingsThere are lots of statistics that we look at including Alexa statistic however do we understand this statistic or should I call it rankings. Firstly I must say thanks to Zarko of Practical Seo for inspiring me to write this post we were have a discussion today about unique hits and visits to my website and an interesting findings occur. I must say before you absorb all this information I have no scientific proof to this and I am no expert here however this is what amaze me about Alexa site ranking from the discussion we had. Do you check your Alexa rankings?

Alexa rankings changed regularly like every three months and it gives the rankings for different countries example this site has at the time of writing a global rank of 115,000 but in India it is ranked 32,000, Serbia and Montenegro 17,031 Philippines 22,994 , Brazil 42,238 and here in United Kingdom 21,622. This data is useful to me because it shows where the traffic is coming from however how accurate it is another side of the coin. Understanding Alexa rankings is something I did not pay much attention to but does it has any effects on your blog Search engine ranking?

How does Alexa works? the mystery question according to Wikipedia Alexa ranks sites based on tracking information of users of its Alexa Toolbar for Internet Explorer and from integrated sidebars in Firefox and Chrome Hence the page is only ranked between users who have these sidebars installed and may be biased if specific audience is reluctant to do this (Windows Defender has classified the sidebar as a Trojan, a form of malware.). Also, the rank is based on three month data  and takes a long time to reflect changes in content that may happen after the domain has been sold. Finally low ranks cannot be accurate not just because of the lack of data but also because of statistic laws related to the long tail distribution. The same laws make ranking of the popular sites highly accurate.

Alexa  works by assigning a number to your website the smaller the number the better using as an example a rank of 115,000 means base on traffic to my blog there is only 114,999 sites on the internet gets more traffic than lawmacs not bad judging from the amount of website than is around and growing by the minute. Now back to the discussion that inspires this post I have drawn one conclusion on that is the difference in traffic  between a site ranked 25,000 and one that is ranked 400,000 is not normally great because Alexa Rank most of the sites base on the toolbar installed in the browsers.

Now this is my opinion and I strongly believe that you should not worry too much about Alexa rankings, not saying you should write it off but instead Digg deeper into it and try to understand it and remember Alexa is a search engine that provides added information about a website. Now how much do you know about Alexa Rankings? Share your thoughts, and remember there is no scientific data to back me up here.

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