
Website Design Tips Traffic Building

Sometimes as new bloggers  we get frustrated when after a couple of weeks our blog does not attract a lot of traffic in a short space of time this can be discouraging but remember Rome was not built in one day it takes time for your blog to become popular and your need to start marketing your blog. There are some techniques that can help you get your blog known some refers to this as “Guerrilla Marketing Techniques” this relies on Blog Postings which is a great source of traffic and also an important elements of search engine optimization .

Commenting – This is a great way of gaining links for your website when commenting on a blog post, some comment forms allowed the posting of html tags hence you can post your links in the comments. however never spam this is very frustrating i have been on the receiving end of this lately and at this point i might need to start using some spam prevention method read the post and contribute don’t just write “Nice Post” or “i have add you to my college Report”. If you just join in the conversation naturally, then people will get curious and you will get a few more readers.

Adwords –using ad words or some other pay per click advertising campaign can generate lots of traffic to your website however as it is called pay per click this comes with a cost you have to pay for this advertisement.

 Article writing

Online users search the Internet every seconds looking for information. If you have a lot of articles on your web site, you can generate a lot of leads for your business.

If you can get people to personally request information from you, there is an even higher chance of you getting leads. There are also seo companies who offer  services that can generate leads and promote your web site or blog for you.

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