Beginners SEO Tips


August 19, 2010 , ,

If you’re just starting out with as a newbie blogger i believe that there are some basic search engine tips that you should know. There are many tips that are good for you as a new blogger or website owner learning the basic elements of search engine is vital and can save you time and money. the days of build it and the rest will follow is not around any more, Look at even sports today athletes are including science in there daily routine, swimmers are building special suits that they believe will give them the competitive edge. Building a blog is no different

There are some tips that are good to learn early when you are starting out as a blogger.It is good to know the difference between SEO and SEM. SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, according to wikipedia a simple definition for SEO is “A system of methods used to enhance a website’s ranking in search engines’ natural search results. This includes optimising the on-page factors, such as using relevant keywords, making sites W3C compliant, and a whole range of other techniques.“ It is easy to confuse Search Engine Optimization with Search Engine Marketing which is “The practice of getting your website visible on the major search engines, such as Google, Yahoo! and MSN. Essentially, SEM is about delivering traffic to your website. Two of the most successful SEM strategies are search engine optimisation, and pay-per-click advertising campaigns”.

Why should i learn SEO? you might asked yourself the reason you’ll want to learn about SEO is that it can help your website become more visible. There are billions of searches conducted daily and millions of website within any chosen Niche why would you believe your site should rank before the rest?. Let me tell you my friend don’t waste your time building your website and have it sitting there learn SEO get your blog optimize don’t blend in stand out from the crowd get notice get optimized. Would you believe me if i tell you that SEO is not rocket science you can learn it okay you can afford to pay for this service fine but how are you going to know if you are been scammed or the company is using “Black Hat” method?

The first point of call is choosing a domain name yes having a domain name with your Keywords in it is a key strategy in the optimization process and your title tags are also important. Now that you have your website set up within your chosen Niche it is time to start thinking about your marketing method . you could choose a domain name as a starting point for your marketing brand.

In summary Search Engine Optimization is very important this gives your website the visibility it needs to stand out from the competition, be a cut above the rest so don’t build it and believe that they will come market it the end results will be  great. Are Search engine Optimization still a tool in your arsenal if not what method are you using?

Do you do it yourself SEO or do you pay for it? are you getting your moneys worth share your views what do you think about SEO? i am no expert here but i still believe in it i have seen the result have you?


37 thoughts on “Beginners SEO Tips”
  1. SEO is must for bloggers/webmasters. I would prefer to do SEO myself rather than paying for it.

    To hire someone to do SEO for your blog you yourself need to know about the basics of SEO else you will be cheated.

    1. I totally agree with you Shabnam doing seo should be a must for all bloggers learning the basics will definately let you know if you are being cheated

  2. Even though SEO can be tedious work, it is something that must be done. If you want your site to be found and rank higher with the search engines, you need to continually work on optimizing it.

    I’m far from being an expert in SEO but I still prefer doing it myself. There’s lots to learn and you need to keep up with it because of the ever changing and often confusing algorithms.

    Another excellent article Gary.

    1. Keeping up with the ever changing and confusing algorithms is more tedious than actually doing the seo task yourself Robert seo is something i try to do every day

  3. SEO is the heart of online business — which I really do believe in — knowing that it’s primarily needed by any form of online business. Why is it the heart? Well, this is my opinion about it, every website’s objective is to showcase something to its targeted audience, and SEO is something that brings you there. It brings you the traffic you need as well as the profits you have been wanting to earn online 🙂

    Hope that make sense. It’s easy to learn SEO, and anyone can do it by themselves. However, it’s a tedious task. If you don’t have the enough to do this, it’s best to pay for it. But if you do, it’s an enjoyable experience, and I can vouch for it 🙂

    1. You are right jason i totally agree with you all online business needs seo but getting it right is the hard part accepting the fact that we need it is a starting point

  4. When I started my blog I realized rather quickly that I had been terribly short sighted on the importance of seo for a blog. Learn the tips you’ve mentioned above is very important to get the webpages on the 1st page of Google.

  5. I like that you did nice intro to SEO of beginners. I think of how much I did when I was starting out that really did not utilize any SEO and I shudder.

    Getting it right from the beginning is important, because SEO is pretty darn important.

    1. Yes Steve seo is really important and as you have mentioned getting it right from the start is vital however we need to maintain it and try to keep up with the changes.

  6. excellent i used to work in this sense for every of my site. These steps can be follow to any niche as well..
    Thanks for the golden points.

    1. Thanks for you input i do hope that this is not your last visit here your kind words are always welcome here nice having you on my blog

  7. Very nice post..bro. Well, I am doing it all myself but there are certain limitations with google blogger. so, it is not as good as what you would expect in wordpress. Anyways, I think SEO is not a difficult thing to master. One thing to put here, to be a SEO doesn’t mean that you need to have all that technical skills. I think it is quite easy to master for anyone but yes, it surely is a test of patience when it comes to showing results. I have worked myself as a SEO in the past and I had the same experience. But I must say…results do occur positively if you are following the basics instead of trying to do something different. I was professionally trained on the subject and I am still not an expert on this subject yet I believe in following the basics and putting it right to get the desired results. And it does pay off..

    1. Aswani you could not have said it better seo is not that difficult however exercising patience and testing and tweaking is something that takes time.

  8. When I started blogging ,I started getting traffic from social media sites ,but rarely got traffic from search engines ,but that has changed over the years and have built sites, which are totally dependent on search engines for traffic and that too long lasting traffic. Main thing is to rank to a keyword or too for your main homepage and then you ll start ranking higher for other keywords.

  9. Optimizing your site is very helpful to increase traffic for your site. This post is really helpful for seo beginner and I think they will get a lot of help from this one.

  10. Great guild-line about SEO or beginners.As SEO is a internet marketing field that help to improve the volume of traffic towards the website from organic and paid search results.Two methods of SEO i.e. on-page and off-page to better optimize and promote a website and get effective ranking and traffic towards the site.

  11. Ignore SEO at your peril. Anyone nowadays can create a blog or website, but only the few will rank well. If your site is not optimized well, you won’t rank. SEO is not rocket science, it just requires patience and a willingness to learn

  12. This is a brilliant and very informative blog post. I think the most important thing for any beginner to understand is having a plan and taking action. Whats the point of knowing about SEO, if you never do anything about it.

    Excellent article!

  13. You have done really good job by sharing SEO Tips here. For ranking website or blog high in search you have to work on both on page and off page factors. All the same difference between SEO and SEM is very important . Thanks!

  14. Thanks for sharing the great information juice for the seo learners. I prefer to do SEO for your website because better SEO can clear your picture and goal of website building.Nice and good post! Thanks and regards


  15. Good advice for someone just starting out with SEO.I would add two more things: Link Building – good link building, not just through directories, is a great way to promote a site. Don’t waste time with bad links Content is King – the more better written content you have, the more links you’ll get.

  16. There are so many different articles out there about SEO but not enough of them cater for the beginner like this. It can be quite a hard thing to get the hang of so some people need to lay it out in a way that shows you how to do it simply.

  17. Great post! I happy to know that I am doing most of these, except optimizing the permalinks. I would also add including keywords in the title of your posts. It helps out tremendously. I read about SEO Services, and have found all of these tips to be very useful. The All-in-One-SEO pack is a must! I have seen my traffic double since I started using it.

  18. When Google launched social engagement metrics in Google Analytics, followed by +1 metrics in Google Webmaster Central, you could read between the lines in terms of the value of a +1. As you rightly said in your first point, +1’s will become more and more critical as Google exerts its dominance in the world of social search.

  19. Helpful tips you share here for new in SEO. Webgurukul is an IT training provider in Nagpur and focuses to build the career of a student in the IT industry. Our practical based real-time training is another name of Webgurukul..

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