Better Blogging For Bloggers


July 17, 2010 , , ,

a steady flow of traffic to our blog but are any of these possible yes it can but we need to take some factors into consideration. Have you ever take a look at all blogs what they all have in common?, yes you said it right content not just content but “Good Content”. Better blogging is about having the right promotion link building and all the right ideas to keep your blog fresh and updated. While some bloggers could care less if their posts are read, others actively try to gain more readers. Some advertisers are offering money for blogs that get high traffic amounts. Before you digest this i must remind you that i am not an expert just sharing my experience and opinion.

Choose a Writing Tone

Some believe that using a casual tone works best for blogging while others don’t the truth is you should not be too worried about this my advice is to choose the tone that you feel comfortable with, you know what works best for you and your readers after all you write for your readers and they are what matters most to you. Using a casual tone is like having a conversation with a friend and don,t be afraid to use jargons or slangs as long as it is not offensive to your readers. This will bring out the humour in you but don’t over do it and never ignore grammars.

Don’t Overdo It With The Length of Your Post
Here is Another area which is always up for debate ,for me keeping blog post some where between four hundred and six hundred words is a reasonable length post however there is no hard and fast rule on this you decide the length of your blog post but keeping it short and concise is the best option in my opinion don’t left your readers get bored.If you need to write a very long post it is worth breaking it up in different parts again this gives you the writer of having another post.

Use Your Advertising Space Adequately

As bloggers we often monetize our blogs and by this i meant offering advertising space on our blogs Too often we see bloggers doing this and their blogs are so crowded with ads that it looks very cluttered people use blogs as a space to advertise their services or their products. This can be a cheap way to get your work out there. It is noted however that blog readers can get annoyed quickly at advertisements on blogs. If you must advertise on your blog, consider doing so in a more careful way like using rotating ad manager. for me i don’t mind the ads but i don’t like the content has to three or four ads in between them especially if it is ads that uses your content to generate the advertisement because sometimes the ads get duplicated.

Check Your Spelling And Post Frequently

Most Bloggers would use a text editor of some sort to write their post or they would use the in built ones that your blogging platform provides whatever ones you uses make sure that you check you spelling before you publish your post to the public although we sometimes uses jargon in our writing it is always best practice to do a spell check before going live. Another point worth thinking about is how often to post well again you know your readers some visit daily weekly and so on so judging by that it would be a good idea to post as often as you possible can. That’s it folks please share your thoughts and feedback on this post remember comment luv is enabled.


16 thoughts on “Better Blogging For Bloggers”
  1. About length of the post i believe it should be about 300-500 words and to the point.A lengthy post with no useful content will make you loose your readers.
    New blogs should be careful about using advertising space as it might turn off your readers.

    Your writing tone is great bro no doubt 🙂 its always a pleasure to read your posts.

    1. Thanks Shabnam for your support i remember one of your readers commenting that your post are always good and straight to the point i try writing in a simple style not to formal a bit more casual i think that works for me

  2. Hi, this is my first time on this blog.
    Very well written post. About the tone of the post, a bit of humor works very well for many bloggers. Even though concise and short posts are good, but I think doing one or two long posts (the so called “list posts” by the pros) can be a nice thing, but a good back-end is necessary for list posts to become popular.
    You are spot on about he ad space, and your blog is a perfect example of it. 🙂

    1. Firstly let me say a big thanks for taking the time out to be here i am honoured to have you here and hope this won’t be the last visit here i must say you have done a great job with your blog and keep up the good work you are doing Thanks for your kind words.

  3. yes…..lengthy post can surely turn down visitors….mostly people prefer to read post having pictorial representation and having less words…..regarding spelling nowadays most of the editors have spelling checking functionalities…it is helping me a lot…
    thnks for sharing…. 🙂

    1. Thats right Satyajit lenghty post can turn you off however there are times when you have to write them especially when you are offering information or giving advice on some marketing tips thanks for your input

  4. Your advice is right on the money and I always respect those who practice what they preach. 🙂

    I know some of my articles tend to get a little wordy (about 700-800 words) but it sometimes takes a bit more when you post something instructional. It’s a little to much for 1 post but not enough for 2. I also like to inject a little humor where I can and find that to always be welcome.

    Another excellent article my friend. Keep up the outstanding work!

    1. Thanks Robert writing a post with 700 – 800 words is not any issue as you said too much for one but not enough for two with the type of content you produce it will be lenghty and quite rightly so there are lots of imformation from your post looking at it now i think you can turn it into an R-Book just a thought brother. Thanks again for your kind words

  5. One of the top posts..I must say. Very good piece of advice and tips. Being a avid blogger myself, I agree to all your points. These points are must to be followed by serious bloggers. Nothing to lose. Only to gain..

    Keep writing and sharing your valuable tips on blogging. Really useful…

    1. You are right Aswani following some simple rukes can only make us as bloggers better in the long term when blogging we need to be sensitive about our readers needs and be creative in finding ways to attract new readers thanks again for you vauable comments and support and the award Brother

  6. Very good advices Gary. Applying all these tips will certainly get you to better blogging, and ultimately being rewarded bu your visitors trust, search engines (why not) and eventually to some profits, should you choose to monetize your blog.

  7. Having a good content can make a difference. Every tips that was written here is very important. We must see and always be concern about any post. . I must say thank you for adding knowledge to me. I will surely use this information.

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