Blogging Into 2011 Moving On


December 31, 2010 , , , ,

Since this will be my last post for 2010 let me just take this opportunity to wish all of you a very happy and prosperous new year and I sincerely hope that you achieve all your goals for the coming year. but before I write anything else I would love to say a big thank you to all of you who made 2010 a very special year without you all life would be totally different although we are all spread across the world blogging has brought us close together and words cannot express the warm feelings that all of you bring to my blog.

Looking back at 2010 I have achieve more in terms of goals set for my blog than any other year I have met some new bloggers and lost some however such is the uncertainty of this world that nothing is guaranteed. Moving on to 2011 I still believe that there is more to achieve but we need to continue to work hard, blog hard and never give up. I know many of you may not have achieve all that you have set out to however don’t feel disappointed takes the positive from it and learn. Never give up.

Blogging is a journey one that has its up and down one that sometimes it seems that you want to give up but like anything or any other business there will be good times and rough times. The challenge for us now is to set our goals for 2011 but when doing so make sure that they are achievable and most importantly put a time scale on it and most importantly you need to review it and measure its success.

My goals for 2011 is similar to those 2010 my aim is to continue with my blogging and pushing the new and upcoming social bookmarking website itrackthatsite which will be one year old soon now that the domain is getting older I think it is time to push the website I strongly believe it can meet its full potential. Looking back at the past year I would like to take this opportunity to big up to some of my fellow bloggers like Aswani from one stop blog, Shabnam from techiezlounge Zarko from practical Seo, Nicola from The3dTechnologies, Ditesco from Iblogzone, Jason from Advanced link Building and Seo Strategies Robert from Success Affiliate marketing, Steve Scott from stevescottsite and there are many more to mentioned if your name is not here it just because I am trying to keep this post short. So let me wish you all a happy new year and may your blog all be successful and stay tuned I will be release my first E-book early in the coming year. Good luck and meet you back here in 2011.


20 thoughts on “Blogging Into 2011 Moving On”
  1. May you achieve even more of your goals in 2011. I agree with you that you need to frame any good plan with small steps and adjust as needed. Happy New Year!

  2. Thanks for you warm words and i too hope you have a successful 2011 and may all your goals be achieved i am happy to have you here adding your voice to the debate happy new year to you too. stay safe.

  3. Happy New Year bro.I wish your blog achieves new milestones this year and my very best wishes to itracthatsite :).

    Thanks for your constant support and including me in your fellow bloggers list :).

    1. Thanks Shabnam you are a wonderful Blogger and a true friend always supportive and also a great friend i do hope you have a great New Year Thanks for stopping by and lwnding your support.

  4. Happy New Year bro. Just have a good plan and lot of action and surely your blog achieve all of your goals in 2011 :)))

  5. I have met tonnes of bloggers till date. Its been from the day 1 but honestly, very few bloggers have left there mark here in my heart and you are certainly one of them. I have never seen anyone being so kind and supportive to the entire blogging community. You are an inspiration for bloggers, someone who has a fantastic networking skills and all-round ability to get things going positively. I am so glad to be there in your list, thank you so much bro. love you…keep blogging and cheers for the new year ahead. Hope you touch newer heights with your blogging. All the best :):)

    1. Clearly This is the best comment i have since the life of this blog Aswani you are a great blogger and a true friend Best of wishes to you too your support here is second to none i have met some great friend through you and honestly hats off to you. You Touch me with your comment

  6. I have Read your Previous Blogging Post … It is Awesome !!! 🙂 Thanks for Writing the New One !!!

    Conroy James

  7. Thanks Gary! I’m quite excited to have a copy of your first Ebook!

    I’ve only started to blog last June, and I’ve learned so much more about my profession through experiments. But one thing that I really treasure with my journey as a “blogger”, is the relationships that I’ve managed to build along the process. And I’m so thankful to have met you around that adventure. I surely have learned a lot from your stuff here, may it be through your posts or through the interactions where I’ve got something profound indirectly.

    I’m sure that you’ll do great this year, seeing as you have your gameplan set up and obviously, you are passionate about blogging. All the best!


    1. Hi Jason gald to know that you are looking forward for the Ebook it is in the making I am honoured to know that you have learned a lot form blog i look forward to having your support for the coming year Thanks a lot for your friendship and Round will be back on Sunday 9th january watch this space

  8. Your blog will be eagerly awaited in 2011,like 2010.We are looking forward to have some great posts from you.Good luck for your blog and your website.

    James SEO Expert

    1. Thanks a lot looking forward to having you around in 2011 in 2010 I met lots of great bloggers like you and hoping that it continues to grow that way i believe i have achieve a lot looking forard to the coming year 2011

    1. Thanks Vaporizer it is always a pleasure to hear from my readers glad that you find my blog useful and hope you will continue to support it in 2011

  9. This is a very optimistic post! That’s true many of us didn’t achieve the goals which were set out for last year. But this is not the case to feel disappointed, we have to take the best from 2010 and learn everyday a new thing.

  10. Happy Blogging with Blessed year 2011 to you….i hope that your new goals and strategies for this year make a remarkable changes and get a successful business ROI through your new blogging concept.

  11. Yup i agree with you ,Blogging is a journey one that has its up and down one that sometimes it seems that you want to give up but like anything or any other business there will be good times and rough times.

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