Round Up With A Difference


January 9, 2011 , , ,

This is the first Round up of the new year. i have decided to make a slight change to Round Up this year i will allow you my readers the opportunity to email me with any post you have notice that is worth the mention. What does this mean? If you are blog walking and came across any post that you think is worthy of mentioning then feel free to send me the details and i will check it out. There is no guarantee when it will be publishes but if it is worthy of sharing i will publish it as soon as i can. now here are the highlights of this Round Up.

(1) Are Your Goals Attainable In 2011 – The new year has started and many of us including myself are setting goals to achieve This year.As 2010 drew to a close, I thought it would be helpful to look back over my short blogging life and see what I had learnt in 2010 and look forward to my attainable goals for 2011.

(2) 3 Simple Tips to Retain RSS Feed Subscribers for your Blog – Anyways, the joy of blogging increases once we begin to notice positives out of it. Isn’t it a great feeling when you see something happening and paying your positively? There are many ways to notice this development on your blogs and one of the top being your RSS feed subscribers. You want them. Isn’t it? Nothing excites me more than to see those feed count go up and up forever.

(3)How To Make Your Visitors Spend More Time In Your Blog – Any internet business owner must have understood the importance of traffic. No internet business can survive without it. One thing is to get the traffic and yet another is the convert them to customers. And that is always seems the harder part. If visitors come to your website and then leave immediately, it means that the bounce rate of your site is high. There are several ways through which you can lower this bounce rate and increase the stickiness of your website.

(4)Keep Your Visitors Coming Back – Returning visitors are very important for the survival of any website or blog if you check your website statistics this is one area you should pay attention to getting new visitors is important don’t under estimate that however it is good to see that your blog has lots of repeated visits. Repeated visits proves that your blog has value and quality. Writing good content is one of the contributing factor to having repeated visits A lot of successful websites depend on returning visitors to account for a major part of their traffic.

There you have it for this “Round Up” and remember you now have the chance to get your link include. If you or a blogger friend of yours have written a great post that is worth sharing just contact me with the details. Caring is sharing so please retweet this post and share with your friends. Thanks and best of wishes for 2011. What do you think about this idea?


20 thoughts on “Round Up With A Difference”
  1. Hi lawmacs:

    Great round up. It has information that a visitor can use too. All tips are good but # 4 got stuck. I started thinking if you follow this tip?

    I am still trying to follow your tip # 4.

    By the way, I think I have worked hard to write this current post, it provides the best information for the one who is looking for that kind of information. It is a summary in my own words from some timeless books.

    Have a great Sunday

    fran A

    1. Thanks Fan number is crucial to growing our blog having more and more repeated visitors is what we should be working towards the more a visitor visits your blog the better the chance of turning them into a paying customer

  2. Hi Gary

    Thanks for the heads up and mention of my attainable goals post. Much appreciated. It sure has helped having them out there. There are a few of my blogging buddies keeping an eye on my progress already. Especially with my ebook!

    So last night I wrote the introduction and will set aside each day to write some more. All the best with your plans for 2011 too Gary.

    Patricia Perth Australia

    1. Thanks Patricia i am glad that you find my round up useful i am looking forward to read your first ebook best of luck with that one and yes i found your post useful for all who is about to set goals this year Thanks for your comment.

  3. Hey Gary,

    That is a great recap and I will definitely try to work more towards following them.
    I have to still learn a lot about getting more visitors and I plan to work on that part.

    Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thanks for stopping by and leaving your comment here just put a plan into action and you will reach your goals blogging is not a one man game and it will take sometime for you to see the rewards.

  4. Well, lucky again or was it worth sharing 😉 Thanks again for all your favors. Its been so great to have you as a friend. Well, I think you should go ahead with your idea of letting your readers tell you about any interesting post they came across in the blogosphere. I like it. Keep it up and Keep blogging. You too have a great 2011…Cheers !!

    1. That is the beauty of writing quality content it will always get reference and mentioned around the blogsphere round Up is here to stay and with the support of fellow bloggers it can only get bigger

    1. That post was a great one from a very hard working blogger who is known for her social skills and as we start the new year we will be setting goals and targets so that is one of the reason i thought it fits in with the season. Thanks for your comment

  5. A great way to kick start 2011 and your idea about us sending emails to you for possible inclusion in future publications is a great initiative. Will be doing my share of it whenever I can. Thanks for the mention and more power to you.

    1. Thanks Ditesco for your support i am looking at opening up Round Up to my readers so that they can help to highlight the great work done by fellow bloggers around the blogging world. thanks for taking the time to leave your comment

    1. Thanks Shabnam best of luck to you too i will continue to share all the wonderful post i found and i hope you continue to support this blog ERound Up is here to stay Shabnam. Thanks for adding you voice to the debate.

  6. You’re right, converting visitors to customers is the hardest part. I liked the part in that article where you mentioned changing “0 Comments” to “Leave a Comment.” I’m totally doing that right now. You’re right–it much more inviting!

    1. Thanks Jenn for stopping by and leaving your comment seems this is you first time here and i do hope you find the blog useful and looking forward for your continued support Have a great year.

    1. Thanks Nicola looking forwad to see how this one will pay off it is just a strtegy i believe than can help us build our network and grow our following thanks for your continued support

  7. Awesome Points Lawmacs, But Retaining Visitors is Very Difficult job in Today’s World. These is a Huge Numbers of Competitors Present in Cyber World, Even a Small Thing Accelerate Visitors from One Website to Another.

    Conroy James

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