Blogging To Your 100th Post


July 11, 2010 , ,

100 postToday this blog has celebrated another milestone it now has one hundred post published yes you read right i am proud to reach that milestone for me running a blog and working full-time is always time consuming so for me this is dedication that pays off. Talking of dedication this is one of the prerequisite of blogging you have to be committed ,dedicated and have the desire to carry on. How do i did it you may asked?, well over the years i have gain some valuable experience through blogging and writing guest post for other blogs one such blog is the popular famous bloggers a club of popular blogger,others are techiezlounge and future perfect AKS Blog these are  some valuable source of information and  inspiration .

There are so many things i have learnt along the way during my blogging career which i think you will all agree with me with is that there are some factors that we need to be aware of if we are to succeed in our blogging career and i wil share a few of what i have learnt with you and the main factor for me is dedication.

  1. Dedication
  2. Being dedicated is very important like any other thing in life whether it be a job or just a hobby you need to be dedicated to what ever you are doing , there will be times when things seems a bit rocky as if nothing is happening for you and your blog just remember quiting is not for blogger just take a walk do some exercise then continue on your way blogging is never and easy ride no matter what you may read it is a difficult task that requires dedication passionate and the will to succeed.

  3. Passion
  4. Yes you read it right been passionate is another good characteristic of being a good blogger ask any successful blogger or website owners alike that has been around a long time and they will tell you of their passion for what they are doing building a blog is easy but maintaining it is another factor when i started my first website about six years ago i thought that everything will fall in place like visitors and earning a passionate income to pay the hosting bills. Yeah right yes what i did not do was to “Read the Script” and then when i realize it i had to get moving. Reaching this milestone of one hundred post with over eleven hundred comments for me is a goal achieved and still i am not giving up my goal is to reach as many readers as possible.

  5. Writing Good Content
  6. Content is king how many times have you heard that ? put it this way never enough writing is an important part of blogging if you are not prepare to write then you need to think carefully about been a blogger, A blogger have to write if you don’t write then you are not a blogger lets face it you pay some one to write your article fair enough but are you going to pay some one to respond to your readers comments no i don’t think so but yes you can but then you just prove that you are not a blogger you are a website owner. Ther you got it reaching any milestone takes dedication passing and writing now the turn is yours share your journey with us thanks for reading and please share this article with others.


15 thoughts on “Blogging To Your 100th Post”
  1. Wow…many congrats for this achievement. Its been a long journey and I really cherish the moment we became friends. It was great to know you and I have learnt a great deal from your posts. I know its never easy yet those who have passion, dedication and commitment, they make it to the top. And you have all those qualities. Keep writing and keep sharing your valuable knowledge 🙂

    1. I do too Aswani you are a dedicated blogger and a good friend your support to this blog is invaluable and cannot be qoute in words i llok forward to the future now brother post 101 is un its way

  2. Congrats 🙂 to you and wishing you more milestones in your blogging career.
    I have learnt a lot from your blog and its a pleasure commenting at your awesome posts.
    Hoping that you will continue to share your valuable knowledge with us :).

    1. Thanks Shabnam and Thanks for your support it is very inspirational to me and i will always remember my friends for been there every time i write a post.

  3. Gary, This is an amazing achievement on your part and you certainly deserve to celebrate. I can just imagine how many people started blogging the same time as you and their blogs are just sitting somewhere being unattended and wasting cyber-space. You have weathered the storm of migrating your blog and changing the theme and it looks like sunny skies from here on out. Congratulations and I wish you nothing but the best!

    1. This is another milestone for me ileane which comes with hard work and lot of effort by the way thanks for the quick response to the question and i am honoured to know that i have inspired one of your post.

  4. Congratulations!! 100 posts is indeed a milestone. Doing it while holding down a full time job is even more impressive.
    You mention the qualities that are needed to become a successful blogger and all those things come across in all your posts.
    Keep up the great work and I wish you much continued success for all your future endeavors.

    1. Yes Robert blogging has become a part of me sometime i would love to cherish for a very long time to come holding down a full time job and having a litlle eight year that needs constant attention even makes it more tedious but with friends like you around the motivation is there to get the job done.

  5. This is great achievement Lawmacs, I knew you are a very dedicated person!
    Great work my friend, best of luck to you!

    1. Thanks Hesham hard work never easy juggling a full time job running a family and keeping your blog updated and i would like to take this opportunity to thank all my friends that help to make this a success. Thanks for your support hesham

  6. Congrats Lawmacs, being social is what matters in blogging most i think beside this what you mentioned are also key factors, and i think you’ve got all the qualities 🙂

  7. Well done Gary, it’s a milestone and worth to celebrate! For those who never blog may not understand why it’s not easy to reach where you are today. Every path there’s a choice, and every effort made by a blogger to provide quality content, network with others is just as valuable. The process has made you a better writer. Keep up the good work and we’ll be expecting your 200th post soon.
    Social/Blogging Tracker

    1. Thanks for your kind words Ching Ya looking forward to the 200th post how long will that take not sure but working towards it thanks for your continued support.

  8. Congrats for reaching your 100 milestone. BTW I’ve already reached to 200+ in my published post number. You are right that content is the king. A useful and unique content is always worth than numbers of casual contents. Anyway well written.

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