Building A Website

build a websiteDesigning any website can be easy if you have the knowhow and the and the relevant skills and tools necessary to build your website There are lots of ways that you can use to build a website, you can use Photoshop, illustration or some other  software of your choice. What if you are not good at website design or you rather have someone build it for you there are lots of online services that offer website hosting and design at affordable prices without the need for hiring a web designer.

Having a website not only helps to promote your online business whether it be a blog or any make-your-website-nowother business this has huge potential with a global reach to the four corners of the earth. This is a global affair we are looking at here. One way to gain the edge is by having a well design website one that is unique so you need to make your website stand out  from the crowd as one of my friend said we were all born original so why die a copy?.Getting your website hosted by a reliable web host is another important factor to take into consideration. There are online services like site2you website builder that offer these kinds of services.

Building and hosting a website don’t have to be a financial burden to you just take a look at this design here and see for yourself and you will see that you can have a site designed in no time clean elegant and hosted where it is reliable and affordable al for one monthly fee and guess what you get a free domain name and no set up fee and you can even try it for free for a limited time Site2you website builder is highly recommended go ahead and see for yourself.


36 thoughts on “Building A Website”
  1. Looks nice and cool. Having a website…it is far more easier today. I have seen many online services coming up with this thing. Blogging is good but it cannot be compared to having own website. Very soon, I will be working on the same. Thanks for this useful update. Keep writing 🙂

    1. You are welcome Aswani it is a great site that will be of benefit for many it is very user friendly and even offers a free seven day trial Thanks for your continued support it is much appreciated.

  2. I want a website that really stands out of the ordinary… But I want it to be creative, with humor, professional-looking, easy-to-the-eyes, sleek, simple yet truly attractive to the audience. Any thoughts on what I like?


    1. Firstly let me take this opportunity to say welcome here and thanks for taking the time out to contribute to this blog it is always good to have a website that stands out from the crowd i always believe that the best way to get a site that you are happy with is to design it for yourself Thanks for your comment.

  3. In current scenario making a website is little task, the main task after getting a website is promoting it for getting better ranking and traffic and this is so much difficult and require a lot of efforts.

    1. Welcome Alvin since this is your first visit i do hope this is not your lost and you will continue to support this blog building a website is easy as you said but before you can start marketing your website you have to make sure that it is built right and function the way you intend it to thanks for your input

    1. You have made a valuable point there Bishwajeet starting out with wordpress is actually a good idea as you have mentioned there are unlimited resources out there at no cost to you so you can not go wrong

  4. I agree with Bishwajeet. I was started with wordpress and i think that it better for beginners than jommla

    1. Tworzenie welcome to my blog and hope you found some good resource here and that you feel free to visit again thanks for your valuable support

  5. Hi Gary, just checking around here. So many improvement with your blog now, congratulation. A question, did you remove my link? 🙁

    1. Hi latief welcome back have not heard from you for a long time yes your link was remove not deliberately this happen while changing servers it will be up soon Thanks for stopping by

  6. Hi lawmacs:

    Your blog post regarding a website. it is a great information for those who want to use it. I have had websites in the past, but did not know a thing about it. I did not change the content. Now I know how to build a website roughly, but do not need it. I am still learning how to create a blog all the way by myself. I am from those times when there were no computers at schools, learned it at work. Workplaces have big systems programed to use, so never learned a thing about technology. That is why we need people like you.

    But Website is the real original thing, I saw the site that you have mentioned too.

    Thanks for information about website.

    Fran A

    1. You are right Fran i am from thos etimes do fortunately i did a diploma course in computer studies learn asp and a little php taught my self css and take it from there i can design my own site write a few program and so on but sometimes we need site like those.

  7. This is a great recommendation Gary! I wonder what CMS they are employing on their offered sites. But the offered price is really good, and I might check this one out 🙂

    1. Thanks Jason i do hope you find it of some benefit to your needs are the needs of others there is also a free seven day trial period. Thanks for your continued support.

  8. I have checked out Site2you website builder and browsed through it. I was intrigued when I heard about this because I am trying to learn how to design a website myself.

  9. Hi,

    Building a site will become very easy with pre-discussions in between designer, client and developer as in this way all three can provide each other with best suggestions and with this designer and developer can easily fulfill the requirement of client.

  10. Thanks for your work over time.I wish you the best success now and in the future at whatever you put your hands to do.

    SEO Company Delhi

  11. Making a website is really not that tough, and top of all, you can create a website or more website for free. Building a website is a extremely individual skill and is different with each client.
    It is more about revealing your business to new probable clients and generating new sales.

  12. Hi Gary, been a week or so since I last visited your blog, had a really busy schedule…

    Anyway, with wordpress and all those themes that are easy customizable anyone without much coding knowledge can create a great looking websites. In the end, having a designer do a template is not expensive either and it is very important to die as an original 🙂

  13. Building up a new website is not expensive as you say, there are lots of free resources to do the task, but everyone who want an exclusive and unique design or behavior on a website will need an agency or freelance to make it.

    Anyways I think that the investment in a business/brand website is a minimal expense compared to other types of advertising.


  14. Now a these days,build a website is simple and easy.There are lots of free resources over the internet which helps you to make a website.But you can create simple and static sites.If you need creativity in your website design then you should hire a professional designers.You can also use word press to create a website.

  15. I am very glad to know that your site is upgrading from the simplest to more faster and synchronized form. I am quite familiar of a lot of sites since I work as a freelance writer and one of the sites that I find evolve is your site respectively. I am looking more on your site progress as well as new version that is more convenient and helpful to the members like me. I really appreciate the move that you made. Thanks a lot!

  16. As a freelancer website designer I find those “build-your-own” sites very annoying. It allows people to build improperly constructed websites that will never pass validation, uses templates, and makes the internet look the same because 1000 people are using the same template.

    Creating a website is not hard, creating a website that is unique, contains valid code, and works with SEO well is however. If you are going to teach someone to design and develop a site or you are going to let them build their own….then you should make sure that it is done correctly. Keep up the good work and try to spread the knowledge of how to create a working professional website around, maybe it will catch on.

  17. I really enjoyed your post. Thank you for sharing.Thanks for the info. A great find. It’s hard to find good articles these days. This one is really good. Great article. Thumbs up for this post. Thanks.

  18. Website Building is Not a Big Task in Front of Me But I am Annoying with the Again and Again Changing of its Features … 🙂

  19. Its Really Better to Start with WordPress as it Provides alot of Effective Themes, Which Make a Website Designing Easier

  20. Building a new website doesn’t sound as easy as it may sound. With a lot of online tools available to help us out, it requires research. Spreading the word is also another obstacle one needs to overcome.

  21. Thanks for Writing on this topic … most of the people thinks that website designing and building is very taught work, thanks for writing !!!

  22. Now-a-day Website is Everything to Promote your Business (Products, Services, Promotions etc ) Thanks Alot for Writing on Such Topic, It is Very Useful for Today’s World.

  23. For those looking for web based services, online directory is the best place to find multiple options. In case your company is listed on the directory any prospective customer hunting for a service provider may end up finalizing your company to avail the service.

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