Guest Posting Or Networking

Guest Posting Or Networking Have you been writing guest post lately ? well if you did that’s a good idea , now lets explore the idea of networking against writing guest posts which i believe is better and gives a better result.This is just my honest opinion here i strongly believe Networking with other bloggers is far much better than writing guest posts.I must remind you that this is just my opinion and i am not an expert here. I am just simply a blogger with a big ambition of trying to change the web one blog at a time sounds crazy but is it really possible? well that is a discussion for another forum.

Why i believe that networking with other bloggers is much better than writing guest post is because of my personal experience, i have done both. While networking brings you closer to your fellow bloggers i am of the opinion that this will breed trust quicker. going back to one of my earlier post about Relationship Building which we all agree that is vital well building relationship is a key ingredient in the Networking with other bloggers. the point here is that while writing Guest Post is good and i would always encourages it i still argue the point that the benefit that you received from networking will always out-weight that of guest posting.

Guest Posting is good it can bring you lots of traffic to your blog and builds your authority status as a bloggers especially if you writes for some very popular blogs that has a huge following and a large subscriber base then you will see the benefit. The benefit of guest post as i see it is that other than gaining exposure is that it builds your authority give you some form of bloggers status while for networking it builds trust and foster long term relationship.

In Summary both guest posting and networking has their benefit which one you choose is entirely up to you they are both beneficial to us as bloggers but remember choose the one that suits your needs. I still believe that networking has greater benefits judging from my personal experience. Now do you write guest post or networking or do you do both? Share with me here i want your valuable input which gives you the better results? and remember it is the results that counts. Which one brings you the most traffic? traffic is the life blood of our blog.


82 thoughts on “Guest Posting Or Networking”
    1. Thanks for your comment i am glad you take the time to comment here on please fell free to engage and check out other blog posts.

  1. As you have already said, both have their benefits, but you prefer networking. I agree with you. I myself would prefer to network with th other blogger first and gain his trust and create a blogging relationship. And only then would I go forward and write a guest post for his/her blog.

    1. That is the point i am trying to make here nothing is wrong with writing guest post however i feel we get better benefits from networking with other bloggers and build relationship.

  2. Both methods works well to increase traffic. But I agree with you a good networking give better results and allows you save more time.

    1. That is the point Nicola having a network of bloggers around you will help to build your traffic much quicker lets say you network with five bloggers and each brings five extra bloggers with them do the maths.

  3. I haven’t done both yet ,but I think if you do Guest Blogging then automatically your network will increase and as you will be seen on more places so more guys will follow you which in turn will help you in networking with like minded guys

    1. From my personal experience networking brings better results i have done both and found networking paid off the better however look at the comment by Sourav he made a valuable point which we sholud not over look.

    1. Thanks Shabnam been thought provoking is good at times but i strongly believe that networking far out weight the benefits of guest posting this is just my opinion

    1. Guest Posting is good but from personal experience networking brings more benefits at a faster pace now most of my fellow bloggers here came through networking.

  4. This is really a great blog to visit daily it has got all the stuff that i wanted to know with deep knowledge of each topic and very great posts too. Keep up the good work going…

  5. If I had to chose one over the other, I would opt for networking. However, since I do not need to make that choice, I would strongly recommend doing both networking and guest posting.

    Each has great benefits and the combination of utilizing both methods will give you the best results.

    1. I would stand by tou Robert to me the results you recieve from networking will out-weigh that of guest posting for the simple fact that one brings traffic while the other gives results.

  6. I believe that using both methods is the way to go. You may have a point there though, but still guest posting has its benefits, as the exposure you can get is quite huge. I believe that just by networking this can hardly be achieved, unless you spend half of your day doing it.

    1. Hi Daniel thanks for stopping by they both has their benefit however from my personal experience i strongly believe i have achieve more from networking than guest posting.

  7. I think both are important and I guess Guest Posting is also a part of networking. I have been accepting guest posts and I myself have been writing guest posts. It is a known fact that those who read these guest posts are tempted to visit our sites and blogs from the included links. And it is again quite common to see comments coming from those visitors. And thus we are creating a network or say, we are adding it to the existing network. Networking is all about relationship building and by writing guest posts on neighboring blogs we are promoting a better relationship with our fellow bloggers. Maybe networking has got a much deeper meaning but Guest Posting is certainly a part of the same.

    1. Wow well said Aswani in the past i wrote a few guest post and still intent to write more but from experience networking with bloggers bring better results. There are no scientific facts here this is just from my personal experience.

  8. I personally try to do both, but for now networking shows more results, plus I have only done one guest post 🙁 But that guest post did bring me a lot of traffic in the following week, but not much afterward. So I will agree with you that networking has more benefits.

    I guess to have better results from guest posts you would have to be a guest on SEObook, SEOmoz or Gray Wolfs blog 🙂

    1. That is a very valid point doing guest post and some popular blog to get the required amount of traffic and getting them continiously is another point but networking helps builds relationship and trust.

    1. Thanks jennifer for taking the time to share your input i do hope you enjoyed the article and looking forward to hearing from you again Writing guest post will certainly keep you busy it is less time consuming to network

  9. All i can say after experiences is that people are now posting just for revenues sharing and getting traffic
    Nobody cares to reply to comments also 😛

    By the way ,Visited your blog first time , like this theme
    Stay connected

    1. First let me say welcome to our community here and glad to know that you like the theme well you still cares about commenting hope to see you again

    1. they both have their benefits but the one you should pay attention to is the one that brings you the better results in that case for me is networking

  10. I recently discovered your blog/website and have actually enjoyed reading this and some of your other posts. I thought I would dive out from the shadows and leave my first comment. I’m not sure what to say other than I’ve enjoyed reading and will continue to visit as generally as I can.

    1. Thanks for stopping by i do hope that you stick around and participate in our discussion here your presence is always welcome

  11. you have a good point there gary. hmm, though both still have their own advantages. well, as for me, here’s my stand with those two.

    with networking, link building is much easier, since getting mentioned through your friends’ posts will certainly give you a high quality in-content link. And spreading your blog through their tweets will certainly bring in traffic to your site.

    with guest posts, it does give you a powerful link, especially when it’s posted on an authority blog with lots of traffic. But the best thing that I think about guest posting is that it allows you to showcase your expertise about your niche, and it’s a good approach especially to reader’s who are following a blog that has an “influencer reputation”.


    1. Thanks jason you explained these two points very clearly and i totally agree with you they both have their advantages as Sourav mentioned in his comment network first then guest post after. thanks for your valuable input

    1. They do both at the same time one will always bring more benefits in that case the one that siuts you better you should go for it

  12. I think that If you write a guest post for a bigger blog, with a link back to your blog, it will almost certainly increase traffic to your blog, at least for a couple of days. How much traffic will depend on how much traffic the other blog gets, but hey, any little bit counts in the early days, when you’re not getting much at all.

    1. That is true but sometimes the benefits of wwriting guest pots more falls to the blog owner and the help of the blog owners’ introduction

  13. Hi all,
    I am new in this website. I get to many new information regarding the Networking website. I really follow some blog website for new development ideas. Networking website is very good for enhance your knowledge about that particular topics.
    thanks guys for your effort.

  14. Hi, I appreciate your opinion here that net working do much compare to guest posting. However the way I see it both techniques is inseparable since net working and guest blogging help building good rapport to fellow blogger. Thanks for sharing your opinion with this matter.

  15. Your work is appreciatable .I truly loves Web designing and networking. Guest posting is not that much fun,but u always learn new ways 4m posting.

  16. According to me,website networking is better than guest posting.Because through website networking we can make a network of our site community and that can be more helpful for link popularity than guest post.

  17. Great post..I think guest posting is much better than social networking>i guest posting you write something new to other blogger site, and many visitors come to your blog if they find some thing interesting in it.
    Guest Posting is good it can bring you lots of traffic to your blog and builds your authority status as a bloggers.

  18. This sounds kind of difficult to get the person to let you post on their site or vise versa, but I do like the idea of it.

  19. Both approaches take some time and work, and both are necessary I think. If you or anyone else may be interested, I am looking for guest posts for my design blog Spoonfed Design. Always interested in networking opportunities and social media support as well!

  20. Best of luck,done a excellent job in this blog, Alternatively create a great blog for the readers specially for PHP programming. Thanks.

  21. It is so lucky to read your blog,it is full of useful message.I wish we both can do better in the future.It great honour if you can visit our website,and give us some suggession.

  22. Guest posting is what most people prefer to get backlinks to their respective sites. I too am one of them and does indeed need of these linkjuices. A convenient way yet of quality methods in getting traffic to our site.

  23. Well it depends, but in my opinion networking can take more of one’s time. Still there’s no way to go without it. Using both methods is the best option.

  24. Hello There. I found your blog using msn. This is a really well written article. I will be sure to bookmark it and return to read more of your useful information. Thanks for the post. Ill definitely return.

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  25. I am visiting here first time and i would like to say networking is good rather then guest posting, Now i am going to bookmark this site.

  26. That i like about guest blogging are their benefits and some of those you will increase your reputation and and generate more traffic to website or blog site.

  27. I choose them both, because as you said that it contribute good benefits, both networking and guest posting generates traffic to your site and increases your popularity to other bloggers. Well, you made a great points here and it actually helps.

  28. Both guest posting and networking are great and it really generates a lot of traffic to your site. It’s up to every one in choosing the best, for sure both must be implemented for better results.

  29. Guest post can really help you in networking with many bloggars having similar interest. It is a fantastik idea.

  30. What a great post! I really enjoyed reading this. Thank you for sharing this valuable information with us. I have bookmarked this site and will be sure to check for updates. Keep up the good work!

  31. Coining new ideas regarding blogging always fascinates me and I really appreciate this blog post with some good information on it. I personally believe this idea and do recommend this doing rather than working on link baiting. Link Baiting is an old idea where we attract webmasters to let us get links on their pages but it was done in a way that was very similar to link exchange so it was discouraged enormously when one way linking got popular but meanwhile Google condemning one way linking and SEO professionals got in problem and a new phase of SEO started in discussions, people again came back to blogging, forums and social bookmarking and that was a plus to SEO for being more organic in search results.

    Simply it is the idea to give quality and unique contents to bloggers and get link backs on their pages.

    Nice to be here and it is my pleasure to read your stuff here.


    SoftHof SEO Team Leader/

  32. Guest posting is great as well as networking they contribute goo and both helps to generate lots of traffic more than you expected. I’m done with networking, so far it do good to me and I never tried guest posting but soon I will.

  33. Guest posting can be used both for link building and traffic generation purposes. If a blog has do-follow link in comments it is better to comment it to obtain incoming links for an online resource. However, guest blog posts can generate much more traffic to your web resource comparing with blog comments.

  34. I agree all of you guys here, guest posting and networking are great and it generates lots of traffic it is effectively used. I have no words to say here because you said it all guys.. Love to be with you here all!

  35. Hello Lawmacs,

    Guest posting is very hot strategy right now but it can’t stand alone without also networking regularly.

    Social sharing is essential and very important as a ranking factor in the search engines so nothing can be done without networking.


  36. Guest posting is really effective in building online reputation and increasing site traffic. It’s also a great method to increase backlinks that is in line with Google Panda Update.

  37. Networking and guest posting are both important for getting traffic and promoting your site. You just need to invest time doing this. But it is worth it.

  38. Guests post and networking are the factors on how we are going to introduce our businesses.By this its a way to uplift our living and help other people as well.

  39. It can be hard to guest post. There are some brilliant blogs out their, but then there are some bad ones too. I’ve posted on 3 great blogs and it has done wonders for my visibility, however its very hard to find good blogs.

  40. I guess both have benefits. Guest posting is harder though and you have to make a quality post so it gets published as a guest post.

  41. I do networking but I want to try guest blogging because my friends says it really works. I just need to get sites that allows guest bloggers.

  42. I do both, it is much better that I do it both to have friends and be close to my fellow bloggers plus have a good traffic as well.

  43. Hi very informative for me. I am presently setting up my first attempt at a blog. I am currently trying to learn as much as possible and wasn’t even. That aware of how much people did guest posting on other peoples blogs. As you can gather I am in the process of a steep learning curve.

    Thanks lee

  44. Impressive Blog, I am just getting clear that guest posting is the best way to drive traffic to our blog and its make reputation of blog too.
    Thanks for sharing your valuable knowledge with us.

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