
Top 3 Reasons Why You Should Blog

starting a blogOne day you woke up and suddenly you decided to start blogging, why? Just because you have read and heard so much about blogging and bloggers alike should not be the main reason to start a blog. Well you are wrong, that is not the reason to start a blog, if that is your reason to start blogging then you have failed before you have started. Blogging should be something you have a passion for it is hard work, it is not a simple walk in the park you need to be committed, dedicated and have the desire to learn new things, new ways to blog and succeed. Starting a blog is like starting a business and to succeed this must be backed up by a brilliant plan. Here are the only three Kick Ass reasons to start a blog.

Making Money – Blogging is a good way to make money online, yes you can become an internet millionaire by blogging. But this simple don’t happens over night or by the three clicks as you have read about in many sales pitches. The idea of making money from your blog is the number one reason why you should start blogging and become a blogger. Making a passive income is very much possible and this is also achievable, but you need a well thought out plan.

Owning A Business – Another reason why you should start a blog. Business owners should start blogging as this is a means by which they the business owners can interact with their customers and potential customers alike. This has its advantages and disadvantages, however, the advantages out weight the disadvantages. If you have an established business or about to start one then this is a perfect reasons to start blogging.

Having a Voice – By this i meant having something to offer. There is no doubt that the internet is the internet information highway, people use the internet for everything from dog walking to finding the love of your life. Believe it or not even doctors allegedly use the web to Google information about how to diagnose their patient’s problems. Having a voice is simple the sharing of information with others. If you are an Internet Marketer then you can have a voice by blogging about How to become an Internet Marketer.

Three Kick Ass reasons to start a blog, you may list many others but if you look closely they both fall under one of the above mentioned headlines i just mentioned. I challenged you to share with us the reason why you started blogging, is it Making Money, You own a Business or you Simple have a voice. Feel free to share your thoughts on this post and remember sharing is caring.

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