Web Design Tips Page speed


December 28, 2009

We have gone through a tough year of trying to adjust ourselves to the ever changing world of web design the web 2.0 era social networking sites the new guidelines for bloggers in regards to disclosure policy well all that aside i must remind you that i am no expert in seo or web designer just trying to share some knowledge with you.We are quite aware of the fact that as bloggers we crave for a decent Google Page Rank i too would love a pr 6 blog unfortunately that is not the case at the moment what the future holds for lawmacs.com in the next updates  not sure but i pay little attention to pr at the moment now lets turn or attention to the latest news that Google has hinted that Page Speed will be included in its ranking factor .

There are some topics about this but as Website Designer when creating Web pages this should already be a factor taken into consideration as i have mentioned in one of my earlier post Content or Page Rank that when creating or designing your web pages you should focus on the user and everything else will follow not surprisingly Page Speed has now been include as part the ranking factor  to help with your Page Loading Time here are some Tips

(1)Put Cascading Style Sheet at the top this lets your page load faster and the server only needs to read this file once and it is best practice to use CSS sprite buy this is meant using one image with smaller images embedded in it and use your style sheet to do the rest.

(2)JavaScript – Avoid using too much heavy files put JavaScript files at the bottom i too use JavaScript files but try to use small files for quicker Loading Time we all like a little fancy or stylish website but too many animations is not advisable but you can still make your design stylish without too many scrolling text or animation.

(3)Page size Try to keep your page at a reasonable size some recommend that it be about 50k although some times we go above this ensure that the user doesn’t have to scroll horizontally to view your web pages this can be a turn off. test your website pages with several browsers and make sure that they load completely and quickly make sure that your links work.

After all we design to suit of readers although search engines are the source of our traffic the reader is the one that bring the clicks and help your website to generate the revenue so now i left you to share your thoughts on this post do you think page speed should be a part of your ranking factor? have your say.

Next Post Looking Back At 2009


29 thoughts on “Web Design Tips Page speed”
  1. I like the way your way of simplicity of design tips Lawmacs, well done my friend, and look forward to read more from you.

  2. I think that page speed matters in your google page rank because if it’s not used to directly effect your google pr, it still indirectly affects your google pr.

    If your blog loads too slowly, many people will simply leave before it finishes loading. If you are getting visitors that click on your blog and click right back off because of a slow loading page, (or any other reason), this effects your google page rank.

  3. Thanks brother i really appreciate you taking the time to be here and looking forward to working with you in the new year

  4. I really agree with you Ann we really want our readers to stay spend time on our website and even makes that return visit glad to see you again and i do hope you had a brilliant holiday and best wishes for the new year

  5. Also use less image ads , instead use text ads as it loads faster than image ads and on the homepage also use as much as less possible , this way the visitor will try to browse your blog and explore more out of it 🙂 🙂 🙂

  6. I recently came across your blog and have been reading along. I thought I would leave my first comment. I don’t know what to say except that I have enjoyed reading. Nice blog. I will keep visiting this blog very often.

  7. Thanks for the helpful tips, I will incorporate them into my blog. Page speed is definitely important and I was unaware of Google’s new update. Thanks again!

  8. you are right sometimes we forget about user experience and think about have our website filled with fancy stuff thanks for your contribution sunil

  9. Thanks jen it is always a pleasure hving you here and thanks for your input without them our blog worths nothing

  10. feel free to visit and contribute if you find it this interesting maybe we could exchange links your input is what keeps the conversation going

  11. Great Tips Bro! I’m not a web master, but I’ll try my best to follow your tips.
    PS: Just Retwit your article and it seems works fine 😉

  12. "[i]i must remind you that i am no expert in seo or web designer just trying to share some knowledge with you[/i]."

    You’ve been blogging for a long time now and have written a lot of articles on these subjects. I think that should at least make you some kind of expert, Gary. hehe.

    The three simple tips you gave about improving [i]pagespeed[/i] are really useful, and I agree these will greatly enhance the browsing experience of a lot of users since there are still a lot of people who use the slower types of internet connection like dial-up. Nice post, Gary!

  13. I have also write one article on this, google caffeine the new ranking system of google will rank page by seeing different factors like page speed, broken links, proper navigation etc.

    So we should take more precaution when we develop one blog or website.

  14. Well, I strongly agree with your writing. I’ve opened a blog page / site that installed the flash on blog pages, and it looks good … but affects the loading process. I think the visitor will not like it when loading a page blog too long, they will immediately close the page. I prefer to put pictures on my blog page. Thanks for sharing your articlces

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  15. Very nicely written. I think that it is a very good move from Google. Sooner or later, they had to come up with anything like this. Considering page speed as a ranking factor, I do not see anything wrong with it. In my opinion, it is more likely to improve the quality of the websites. Been through ‘n’ number of sites myself, I have come to know that people usually do not pay much importance to this page speed. It has been the case mostly with blogs where people keep on adding too much of graphical ads thereby increasing the page load time. Not to mention, I am also in this list 😉 but yes, it can happen at times and mostly when you want to make your page look more beautiful and attractive. You may have to compromise with these things. But as you said in your post, we can use the CSS technique to get that look and feel without worrying much about the page speed. Also, Javascript, it should be kept minimum on your pages. It can badly affect your page speed. And page size, I will surely have a look at it. Great tips !

  16. Thanks, for updating us with the latest news that Google will consider page speed while considering ranking factor.I agree with all the points which have written to increase page speed of your blog.When page speed will be a factor for ranking the websites then obviously sites which load fast will have chances of getting ranked better.Btw we are all waiting for Google’s PR update. I wish Good Luck to everyone 🙂 .

  17. I think you are right aswani this can only lead to faster loding of web pages and that can only make the visitors experience much better we just needs to be more inovative when it comes to page design

  18. i guess you are right ryhen however i just do my best by sharing what experience i have on the web with my fellow bloggers i could say the same for you brother you are brilliant at what you do page speed is something i think we should all be concerned about this equate to user experience

  19. Yeah it is like wanting a bsth but the pipe is running slow get you frastrated i think we will get better at this and the social network sites will feel the end results

  20. I guess ever one is waiting looking forward to see the results having a high page rank is great especially if you monetize that a factor for some advertiser and as you have said good luck to all

  21. I guess ever one is waiting looking forward to see the results having a high page rank is great especially if you monetize that a factor for some advertiser and as you have said good luck to all

  22. Its great to be visiting your blog again Admin. I always follow your blogs as it is the area of my study. Its always interesting to get insights from your articles

  23. Good advice keeping a page under 50K. Surprising how many web designers don’t know how much they can save by correctly optimising images with very little drop in image quality.

  24. Very well written article about web design page speed.I like these all tips and recommend this blog post to all beginners so that they can read very valuable and helpful tips.

  25. Absolutely right. Now Google considers page loading speed as a factor while ranking a website. You can speed up your webpage loading time by making use of CSS, Javascript or other scripting language. Other thing to be considered is that you should make less use of images for your website. Images take more time to load which increase page loading time. Even I would suggest that do not use images if it is not required. Moreover, visitors would not like if they are surfing your site and it takes very long time to load. It may decrease the number of visitors to your site. So that design your website such a way that it looks attractive but does not take more time to load.

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    You have a very wonderful and extra quality collection,A small note can mean a lot. At least we’ll arouse curiosity and there are chances they will have one soon.Your points are very encouraging and informative for we guys..we’ll be wait your next post.Keep it up!


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