Web Round Up Continues


November 13, 2010 , , ,

web round upWell its that time again for Web Round Up the issue where we look at some brilliant post from around the web and give them the mention that they deserved.for all you new supporters welcome on board and if this is your first Round Up this is where i focus on those exciting and informative posts that i believe is worth sharing with you.As bloggers we are playing a very competitive game and we must get more and more creative and try and stay ahead of the game. Round up is design with bloggers in mind. Now here are this weeks high lights.

(1)- Synergistic Backlinks With Quantity and Quality – Create Best Traffic For Your Site – Website Ranking and links have a strong connections. As the word itself describes a “link” (web link) is a connection from one web resource to another. It is a very simple and primary concept of web content that is the driving force for the success of the world wide web.

(2) – Advertising Words and Graphics That Sell – Creating a successful advertisement to promote your business requires the combination of effective graphic design and the creation of a strong marketing message. Developing an ad that sells requires the skills of an experienced marketing professional. If you don’t have the budget to hire a marketing consultant, then you need to know some of the tricks which will help you create a successful advertisement for your business. Catapult your business into the marketplace and communicate an effective message to your potential clients.

(3) – How to Create an Online Passive Income Stream – -Passive income is the Holy Grail of all the ways to make money.  Just the concept alone brings to mind the image of sipping margaritas on an exotic beach, while cash swiftly accumulates in your bank account.  It seems like everyone wants a piece of the passive income pie.  Just turn on a television late at night and I guarantee you’ll find at least one “foolproof” system for making easy money.

(4) – Is Niche Blogging Killing … Blogging? –  Everyone and their mother understands that the purpose of niche blogging is so that you can reach a specific part of a community/market. Niche blogging allows you to stay focused on a specific passion or interest that, in turn, lets you build authority within a niche – this leads to further potential to turn it into an online business at a later point (if you chose to do so).

In summary that is it for this week on Web round Up visit these post and read the full story you will definitely find them interesting after all sharing is caring. Is there any addition you would like to see to Round Up? any ideas or suggestion just let me know  and feel free to visit Steve Scott Sunday Selection. Thanks for taking the time to read this post who knows you might be next here.


18 thoughts on “Web Round Up Continues”
  1. Gary,

    Nice roundup. Looks like some really good articles this week! Thanks for adding mine into the mix! 🙂

    I hope you have been enjoying a wonderful weekend.

    Keep Rocking!

    1. Thank Steve hope you had a great week end too and with the wonderful work you do and the eharing of such great resource on your blog your post certainly deserves a mention thanks for your support

    1. Thanks Shabnam for your continued support i am glad that you found the Round Up useful and i always try my best o share the best of the best articles which i believe is of use to my readers.

  2. Hi lawnmacs:

    I did not know that you also do roundups. I came to place a comment and see the
    roundup and my post mentioned. Wow Thank you. It was a surprise to me.

    However, Yesterday trying to find your blog I was able to see your dynasty of niche pages from you, about lawn products. Awesome work. So you are a web designer and a full time Internet marketer, no rat race for you. Great keep up the good work.


    1. Thanks Fran Aslam your support here is much appreciated and i have been doing round up for sometime now and that post of yours did definately needs mentioning Round Ups is my way of saying thank you and at the same time highlighting those brilliantly written articles

  3. Nice roundup Gary..I enjoyed “Is Niche Blogging Killing … Blogging?”. but I’m not agree, Niche Blogging doesn’t will kill blogging, but I have three niche blogging and I can attest that surely is the best way to make money online.

    1. That article really catch me Nicola and that is why it got metioned here i without a doubt strongly believes it is a great article and Thank you for your continued support.

  4. A good round up, some great posts. I enjoyed reading the. I have to say I dont think niche blogging will kill blogging quite the opposite, no any one with even the weirdest interest can chat and share their hobbies/professions/etc with other like minded people.

    1. Hi it seems that it is your first time here let me take this opportunity to thank you and welcome on board her at lawmacs.com and i do hope this is not your last visit looking forward to seeing you again

  5. Thanks for sharing these great resources. btw, I am so sorry for late visit. I have been on a break for a week. Will be back again very soon. Keep up the good work 🙂

    1. You are Welcome Aswani and thanks for taking the time to support my blog it is much appreciated and will always be bringing you this valuable resources here. Thanks again for your comment

  6. The last article is an absolute must read. Murray definitely shows that he knows what he is talking about. The points he has provided are more than valid. Being unique is one of the most important things for a blogger.

    The first resource on backlinks was also an interesting read. The blog was a new find as well. I’m bookmarking it right now. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thanks Daniel that article was well written and compelling and that is why it was mentined here i try to bring resouces that are of value and benefit to everyone thanks again for your support

  7. I was really compelled by the first entry you’ve shared Gary! Very resourceful post. Will do read the others, can really use some of these on my tweets 🙂 Great finds!


    1. Hi Jason i am honoured to know that you found the Articles interesting thanks again and feel free to Retweet them to your readers it is my pleasure.This is what round up is all about

  8. Thanks for sharing these useful posts! I definitely liked them all, particularly the online passive income stream.

  9. Hey Gary this is my first visit here and found the article is useful to me. It’s a good thing you made it in a step by step process. .I”ll be checking in on a regularly now….Keep up the good work!

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