Website Design Tips Blog Promotion


October 17, 2009

After spending the time to create your professional looking website choosing your keywords now it is time for your Blog Promotion here i will share with you what i have learn as a new blogger trying to get establish trusted and recognize in this competitive blog sphere, I think i owe it to my readers to search it with them. In my past post i covered topics such as Writing Tips For New Bloggers and Keywords For search Engines and other stuff no it is time to promote your blog.

This post is dedicated to “Blog Promotion” this is very important as a new blogger for the survival of your blog or website,free Blog Promotion is available for every Bloggers and website owners yes excited by the word free this can be done by using social networking site like Digg and to list a few Blogcatalog,Technorati Face Book the idea here is to become a member of these social networking sites create your profile submit your articles and wait for the traffic having an article on Digg FrontPage can generate a considerable amount of traffic  to your website or blog.between digg and stumbleupon there are well over thirteen million members just imagine getting about five percent of these users per month you do the maths that is about 650,000 visitors per month magnificent.

Paid Blog Promotion

Another form of promotion is using some form of campaign this is paid which could either be pay per click or even Google ad words this is costly especially if you are a newbie blogger with a small budget although with most of these campaigns you can set a daily budget for your advertising or Blog Promotion   

Community Base Blog

By this i meant blogs like Famous bloggers club this is a blog driven by the community  this is a community that bloggers support other bloggers where bloggers help other bloggers which led to new readers and followers.


This is another brilliant method to use for Blog Promotion get someone to interview by other bloggers who would then paste it on their website or better yet interview someone like Yaro Starak and post it to your blog and blog(brag) about it on your blog tweet it this will help brings you trust and credibility and other bloggers will link back to your content. There are more free Blog Promotion tools out there try them see what’s works best for you.Thanks for taking the time to read and remember to leave a comment and share you thoughts and ideas.


21 thoughts on “Website Design Tips Blog Promotion”
  1. A very interesting post 🙂 . Blog promotion is very important for any blogger as survival of our blog online depends upon it .I get most of my traffic from social networking sites and don’t try paid blog advertising as it is very risky . PPC compaigns are for immediate gains but doing SEO is better as it is for long run.

    I always try to go for the free advertising.

  2. Thanks shabnam your comment is always appreciated you support is fantastic and you are always offering your support and some brilliant info on your blog

  3. Blog directories are another great avenue for promoting. Quite a few of the directories even offer the option to include your RSS feed which is another source of getting some well deserved attention to your quality content. Zimbio is another great site for blog promotion. Check it out. Great post !

  4. It was great of you to comment here Roschelle Zimbo is also great Blogenge is also brilliant i have got one of my post on Blogengage index on the first page of google the list of good Social Networkin sites goes on but i just mention a few thanks for sharing.

  5. I was all excited to learn about the "Famous Bloggers Club" as I had never heard of them. I checked the site out, and learned that your blog has to fit a narrow catagory to qualify for membership. I don’t qualify.

  6. wow! i’m green with envy just looking at your smoothly designed website and it seems that it has already become a treasure chest for bloggers and webmasters all around the web. I myself will definitely dig up some of your tips. Keep up the good work. =)

  7. Thanks for your comment Anna with Famous Bloggers Club its not all about the category your blog fits in my interview was done by invitation and recommendation of others who were already interviewed your blog has great resources too it is nice to have you as part of the community

  8. Thanks ryhen you stopping by is much appreciated you too have some brilliant resoucres on your site nice to see you back up and active on blogcatalog

  9. Every web designers aim to create an attractive, easily accessible and functional web design. For an appealing website, easy and intuitive site navigation, logical site layout and good web designing is required.

  10. It is really nice to have you here and i totally agree with you if we are not prepared to promote our blogs then all that effort in designing of site is just a waste of time

  11. I don’t know how but I am extremely sorry for commenting so late on this post. I just forgot to check it. Yes, once your blog is ready with some good posts then the next big thing comes is to work on its promotion which I believe is getting easier day by day with so many social networking sites around. Plus activities like guest posting and as you mentioned – paid promotion through google adwords can also be of great help in your blog promotion.

  12. Better late than never sometimes other things in life takes presidence and as you said you are here for two reasons for taday and forever and yes adwords are a brilliant form of paid promotions

  13. Promotion is one, if not the most essential part of building a website. It’s where all your hardwork on developing your site comes into fruition for there is no sense in building one if you’re not that committed in promoting it for browsers to see.

  14. Your topic Website Design Tips Blog Promotion | lawmacs web design blog was interesting when I found it on Saturday searching for budget web design, it looks like you have some interesting content about budget web design what I was looking for

  15. I found a great tips here. Thanks for your contribution for helping peoples looking for similar articles.

  16. Yes that’s right. Blog promotion is very important for every blogger. Success of a Blog is depended on the readers come to your blog. That’s why it is very important that readers notice about your blog and for doing so blog promotion is the best way. But I believe that performing SEO strategies for blog or website promotion is better than going for paid promotions. It will give a good number of visitors to your blog and better results in Search Engines as well.

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