WordPress and SEO


June 15, 2010 , ,

WordPress without a doubt is the worlds most popular blogging platform its been around a very long enough for any blogger to take notice. WordPress is now at version 3.0 I started using WordPress long ago however just now using it as my main blogging platform which now gives me the power to take this blog forward and where i want it to be for the near future.

The negatives during my migration a few things went wrong which had a negative effect on my website and Google Page Rank this is partly the fault of mine but no fault of WordPress or Google algorithm it happen because i had no time make sure all my redirects were set up. The problem came about because i was moving from blogengine.net to WordPress blogengine.net is an application written in c+ and the extension i was using was .aspx so all the ninety plus post i wrote and submitted to all the social networking websites like Digg and Face Book counts for nothing just do the maths 93 post submitted to an average of 6 social bookmarking websites that is an awful lot of link backs i lost from my blog.

Running WordPress in a windows environment was that simple and straight forward for me the server that hosted my blog was running IIS7 again i haven’t much experience in this environment especially when hosted with the worlds most complicated web hosting company Godaddy. Setting up WordPress redirects on Linux is easier for me because i am used to that environment now i have to dig deeper with windows environment and get a grip with the web config file a new task for me but the biggest task was time yes time i had not enough time to sort all these out because of exams and conferences. All my links build over the years have lost during the transition period no fault of anyone but mine never planned enough time for this and probably a little more research would have been great before the migration period, a valuable lesson learnt take note bloggers. i made the mistakes so you won’t.

Moving forward from one blogging platform another can be challenging however if you take time do some research that will be helpful but this point i am about to make is probably the most important one and that is list the things you need to change and most importantly how you are going to change this will pave way for a smooth change over. The over all result is great for me i have no regrets making this change blogging with WordPress is where i want to be and most importantly from an Seo point the blog no loads faster. Now share your views about blog migration WordPress and Seo thanks for your valued support and input.


8 thoughts on “WordPress and SEO”
  1. Well done!  I must say…you made a brave decision when you decided to shift your blog from blogengine to the wordpress. Sooner or later you had to and you did it at the right time. I can understand the loss you had to bear because of the same. I think it won’t affect you much in the long run. You have a fantastic blog with really useful and informative content. Just a matter of days, you will have your backlinks once again and hopefully much better page rank too. No worries. Keep writing and spreading your knowledge. All the best 🙂

  2. No doubt that WordPress is the best blogging platform and you have taken a correct step.
    You have an awesome blog don’t worry you will get your PR back in next update 🙂 .

  3. I must say congrats! It is because you are in the best platform for blogging now. 🙂

  4. I think it’s great that you share your experience with migration to the WordPress platform. You made the right decision coming over to WordPress and with the latest version 3.0, it’s better than ever.
    As some others have already stated, you are a talented and creative blogger and you’ll have your PR back up in no time.
    I was wondering if you are using any of the SEO plugins. If not, two of the best out there are: Platinum SEO (I use this one) https://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/platinum-seo-pack/ or All In One SEO https://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/all-in-one-seo-pack/installation/ Both are excellent tools for SEO.
    Wish you all the best with WordPress.

    1. Thanks Robert i just install platinum Seo Pack just as i notice your comment been very busy in the past couple of days with conference and exams should be back to full blogging in a couple of days Thanks for your usual support Bother

  5. Hi. As you know I have recently moved my blogger blog to wordpress, and I have to admit that it is one of the best decisions I have made so far in my blogging experience. I love blogger, but love more WP 🙂 The move was relatively easy for me as I did my research well and created my own step by step tutorial for other people to use. Fortunately, I planned this move way ahead and I have not lost a single metric. I maintained my Alexa, and even got promoted to higher PR after that. So in my experience I’m good.

  6. Hi Gary. Congrats on making the move to WordPress. I’ll need to do some homework myself before I make the move with my Blogger blog. Thanks for letting me know about the pitfalls.

  7. You’ve made a right decision As time passing and you keep digging you find a lot usefull plugins for seo and web marketing. wp-to-twitter – automatically post the excerpt of your new article. wp-to-facebook – send to your facebook wall the excerpt of new article.
    There are thousands in terms of seo. I am finding them constantly.

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