Writing Guest Post


March 6, 2010

I have been blog walking recently and came across a few post on numerous blogs talking about “Guest Postings” and their benefits so i have decided to add my views on this topic  although i have written a piece about this before and before you digest all this post i am just sharing my honest opinion and experience here. We as bloggers at some point might do guest post for other blogs but does it worth it well from my point of view it does. One element of this is that it generates back links to your website or blog and this is surely what every webmaster wants to achieved this could lead to better rankings and improve earnings.

There many good reasons why writing guest posts are important and worthwhile but to me the one that stands out is “Building Authority” by building authority i meant establishing yourself as a credible writer on the web some one with worthy articles some one your readers can look to for information so how do you do this you may asked ?, well for some of us it is simple write unique post share valuable and well thought out information for your readers try and inspire them let them earn your trust as some one credible.

We would all love to have a blog with hundreds if not thousands of subscribers and our post with three or four hundred comments, i have never done this but would love to wouldn’t you? yes we all do and this is possible this is where writing “Guest Post” can help you and your blog. Writing good content for other blogs will help you generate the necessary visits to your website but this is as simple as it looks you then need to convert these visitors into loyal readers and make them your own.

To sum it all up writing Guest Post is brilliant and has its benefits that will surely benefit your blog positively however there is one thing you must always bare in mind is that if you write lots of guest Posts make sure that you keep you blog updated don’t just writes for others this can have a knock on effect on your blog. The positive impact is something you must plan for when i say plan for i meant that you must ensure that there are updated and fresh content on your blog so when the new visitors arrived there is something to interest them. My advice is to write post for other blogs at some point but if you are not a regular writing don’t write too much gust post that will put strain on you and then your personal website gets neglected. if you like this post please share the word by retweeting it share it with your friends sharing is caring and thanks for your support.


10 thoughts on “Writing Guest Post”
  1. Until very recently, I did not write and guest posts. I usually have a hard enough time coming up with topics for my own blog:-)

    However, I was approached a couple of months ago and asked to write a guest post and I agreed. Since then, I’ve written a few other articles and I’m very glad I did. For one thing, it made me feel good because I knew in at least one of these cases, I was helping a friend. As an added bonus I got some additional traffic to my site.

    Bottom line…I would absolutely recommend doing guest posting as long as it don’t take away from your own site. I also think it’s a good idea to accept guest posts on your own blog

  2. Time and again..I have always appreciated doing it. Even I’ve been able to get lots and lots of guest post in recent times. I think guest posting is a nice way to build your credibility as a blogger and it also allows you take a small break from the usual blogging stuff which you do by yourself.

    I am glad that you did it for my blog. Hopefully..I will be able to do it for you very soon 😉

  3. You could be right writing guest post is very good and the benefits can be endless so when the opportunity arises go for it

  4. You hit the nail right on the head Robert it is a good idea doing guest post as long as it doesn’t take you away from your personal blog.

  5. Thats the key Aswani guest posting is a great way to build your credibility and establish yourself as a blogger and building backlinks to your website and this can enhance your reputation as a writer.

  6. Thanks Dragan for your comment and yes very soon i will be doing another guest post for you and yes i just try to share my experience with every one.

  7. Good content. It was a hard read though, due to lack of punctuation and other errors. I found myself giving up because of the difficulty reading the post. You might want to think about that for future posts. I think most people wouldn’t bother to comment on the way you presented your work. Your content is well worth the time it will take to clean up your post.

  8. Thanks debra this is one of the feedbaks i enjoyed must of all it gives me more insight into what the readers enjoy and what needs improvements. Thanks for your comment and visit it is much appreciated.

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