
Cascading Style Sheet

CSSStyle sheets have existed in one form or another since the beginnings of SGML in the 1970s. Cascading Style Sheets were developed as a means for creating a consistent approach to providing style information for web documents.

As HTML grew, it came to encompass a wider variety of stylistic capabilities to meet the demands of web developers. This evolution gave the designer more control over site appearance but at the cost of HTML becoming more complex to write and maintain. Variations in web browser implementations made consistent site appearance difficult, and users had less control over how web content was displayed.source Wikipedia

After you have planned your site and have acquired a web host and choose your Domain Name Now is time to design your website with the old fashion table design or the more modern layout Cascading Style Sheet you contact a few web designer for some quotes but your pocket isn’t that deep, you now decide to go it alone so you grab a book about CSS and start the site design and if you want complete control over your site layout then there is no doubt Cascading Style Sheet is best practice it gives you the power to update one single file and change the entire presentation of your whole website . learning CSS is made much simpler because the books offered on cascading style sheet is now in the simplest of form even the novice of a website designer can understand and follow the coding instructions as most books come with practical examples for you to follow.

The draw-Backs with CSS

Like everything we do in life there are always setbacks as I believe that there are two things in life equal and opposite or good bad so let me get back to cascading style sheet some browser in particular internet explorer and firefox the two most popular web browsers render the CSS design differently so great CSS expert comes up with is known as hacks to get around this and as usual there many websites on the web that offers free information on designing for different browsers So have no fear help is at hand. To work around the issue with the different browsers web designers also use the alternative style sheet method where a JavaScript file is used to detect the uses browser and the appropriate style sheet render that means more than on style sheets. Speaking of browser Microsoft has just launched its latest version of Internet explore eight and Google is planning its own browser Google chrome so what is in this for web developers another browser to the list.

Cascading Style Sheet is very useful when designing your website if used correctly it can save time and resources by changing a single file on your web project you change the entire look and feel of your entire website, this helps a designer from writing codes over and over again. Although table layout are still in use todaCSSss is used to dress up the tables and this type of design is used mostly for presenting data. I personally prefer css to the table because of css loads faster

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