Designing For The Future


March 16, 2010

Thinking outside the box is very important when designing website for either yourself or your client there are always the Basics of Website Design that we should follow, however the future of the site you are designing is very important and must be at the forefront of our mind. Thinking Out Side of The Box what has that have to do with designing a website you may ask?. I try and explain this every website or blog has a purpose online and also a future and this is where thinking outside of the box comes in.

Future Updates

Every website must be design with the future in mind this will make it easier for future upgrades as technology changes and changes to CSS and JavaScript we must update our website and never let it fade or dies because it becomes out dated. One main principle of web design is to ensure that you uses valid CSS and HTML when designing your website. With that done then styling the outer side and content becomes simpler and rather straight forward.

Using CSS

As you are all aware different browsers render cascading style sheets differently and with CSS3 and HTML5 already in use not all browsers are compliant at the time of writing this post, However don’t be afraid to use them in your design. As for CSS3 i would advise to put them in a separate style sheet and import it into you pages my reason for this is at a presentational level, thus leaving your main style sheet to validate accurately. Another key area in your future proof design is legislation in regards to accessibility.

Flash Vs JavaScript

Using flash while building your website for interaction is good some feels it is not good for SEO but as we have seen in the last few years Designers are building less and less using Flash the obvious reason here and yes you guest it right with the introduction of the JQuery library JavaScript has now reclaim its position in our design life cycle once again. To say Flash is Obsolete is risky but in the long run JavaScript for interaction seems to be winning.

So when building any website the future should always be in your mind making sure that your website is future proof . So take a look at your website and ask yourself the question is my website Future Proof?, if the answer is yes then you have nothing to be concern about. Now i put it to you to challenge yourself and get your website future proof. Please feel free to share your comment and suggestion on this topic.


14 thoughts on “Designing For The Future”
  1. Very nice post..bro. This is something I was not aware of. Something to think for me. I have always been a design enthusiast. But since I have my only blog and that too on blogger, I don’t have much options left with the design part. Still, I think I can follow some of your advices and tips to excel in this area. btw, I wasn’t aware of this Jquery Library..thanks for the info.

  2. I have also a future design for my blogging life, I am a beginner here in blogging but will try my best to go for master degree here as soon as possible, like Yaro Starak master of the Blogmastermind.

    I really have some future planning with my blog, I have to help others and get more knowledge regarding network marketing industry.

  3. That is a good idea latief however you have done a fantastic job with your blog and using wordpress is updating very regularly you don’t have to worry too much.

  4. This JQuery library is very useful for us it lightened our work and reduced the time we spent writing codes it has so much funtion that it could replace flash for interaction

  5. Thanks for your support Robinsh you have started in the right direction but to get where you wanted you need to work hard and have patience.

  6. Thanks Shabnam learning or having the basic knowledge of web design is always a plus when you are a blogger and can also reduced the over head cost of mantaining your blog.

  7. It is better to design a web site in such a way that if will be easy too update in the future. Internet and technology changes days in days out, so a good designer must make sure that the website was design in such away to accommodate the latest technologies…

  8. I found a great tips here. Thanks for your contribution for helping peoples looking for similar articles.

  9. Designing For The Future | lawmacs web design blog – great post, I think this covers most of the questions that I had about web designing

  10. The term, Internet, is changing day by day. And that is why website and blog also need to be updated periodically. So it is better to design a website in such a way that it could be easily updated and it should include latest applications.

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