
Looking for inspiration

There comes  the time when writing a post felt really difficult and seems very challenging and you just want to give up but giving up is not the answer. If you are a true blogger then you must find inspiration and find it from somewhere Giving up should be excluded from a true bloggers’ life. I wrote a post a while back titled Blogging Inspiration For The Bloggers this was a guest post on a professional blogger and a very good friend.

What to do

if you can find away around the writers block then that is great what i do may not work for you lets get to the real stuff a few weeks back i felt really down dehydrated and just could not write any post i started the year brilliantly having post an average twice weekly this was my aim. Well i decided to stop blogging for a couple of days so i started a new design for my blog i change about three different templates could not decide the one i like until finally i choose the one i am using right now. Then one day i checked my emails and had a message from a very good friend of mine jenny from NEWRU and i realize that they are friends out there wants you to be writing and  that i can inspire people.

This then inspire me to be up and running again although during my time away from blogging i was doing things having fun with my little girl i even made this video when i took her to the transport museum i was pretending to be a bus driver quite funny and entertaining but it was worth it. This was quite amazing to think that after spending the day at the museum that changes me and give me the courage to move on and start posting again. The moral of the story here is that inspiration can come from any where even in places where you would not believe so whenever you get that negative feelings as a blogger go jogging find something to occupy your time. Thanks to all of my friends and fellow bloggers for your support without you guys blogging just don’t worth it or can never be the same so go on tweet my post and as usual leave me your valuable comments.

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