Web Design and Social Media

web designThere are many software tools that help you find sites characterized by clarity and effectiveness. If you are going to design a website for the first time, it is useful: for you to gain understanding about the nature of effective websites design and to use your understanding and know your target audience in the process of web design phase. You have to enjoy designing your website and this will make the design process easier and effective to achieve the desired result. There are always the possibility that whatever you are designing for there is a market for your website or targeted niche.

These are three tools that can be used to design websites:

· System (Html): It is a special text that you can abstract the formulation of a web page. It is possible to look at this system as a programming language for the Internet.

· Editor of Language (Html): It provides the means and methods for the formulation of the shortcut and edit the pages) Html) especially the Internet.

· Program (FrontPage) and other program (WYSIWYG): these programs enable you to form the work of special pages to the Internet without having to program (Html. (the program (FrontPage) has the advantage of operating directly on the central computer (i.e. no need to transfer complete files).

When designing any site you must:

Select your audience. Try to stimulate your audience: treat them with respect and provided opportunities for effective feedback this can be done through creative web marketing. Place the objectives of the site characterized by clarity and measurability, or design objectives. Recognition and appreciation to the reactions, effort, and success, and loopholes to circumvent live up to expectations and remember a well thought out we design can get you a better website ranking.

Think Category and Content:

Select the content of your site extensively it must be simple and understandable language for the global audience. The text content on pages is said to be easier to read from a white background which is more easier on the eye. Deal with your order of priority, as if you are developing a guideline. In the Web Design the path matching manner should be Simple, Clear, Based on maps of the site that is composed of layers or levels, Organizer (think the outline), Shapes or overlapping images: The development of the site begins with the its text and its structure. After it has been the development of infrastructure, Category must be analyzed in terms of who will benefit from the work of the designs based on images or text.

General principles should be followed In the Web Design


Choosing the right colours of text and background can make a big difference between a good design and a bad one. Choose a colour palette for the safe use of the visitor so that they are persistent and in unification of shape and size of text characters permanently and continuously. Try and avoid too many changes to the colour scheme. Avoid the use of too much italic (difficult to read it) and make changes to colours, and put a line under the words (can be confused with Links). Avoid the use of backgrounds with a web format, because it can be difficult to read.

Clarify the content using the designs and forms should be made simple, convenience, small size, and stability.

The main types of sites on the Internet that has its aims and objectives:

  1. Personal site contains information regarding curriculum vitae and personal ramblings.
  2. Site propaganda to sell a specific product.
  3. News site, which provides the latest developments such as newspaper sites or sports website.
  4. Site of knowledge, to exchange information about a specific topic or hobby …
  5. Site prompt (persuasive or lawsuits), which is used for political propaganda, which aims to direct you to a certain point of view.
  6. Site tutorial, to teach a unit or a seminar.
  7. Documentary site, register for courses, to get the information, and / or products. The site contains information on here on which you sign up, or facilitate communication with this party.
  8. Site for light fun.

Social media websites are gaining their importance from communication and contact that support weaknesses, and improvement of the shortcomings prevalent in traditional internet marketing systems. In confirmation of this fact, social media are been used by institutions, companies and bodies in the Middle East is widespread and increasingly rapidly. Each of the social networking sites such as Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter

Are one of the most important means of social media used by the customer service departments, marketing companies and institutions in the region? In spite of that, but it is imperative that every company and organization of companies and institutions plan to take advantage of social media and social networking.

The nature of interactive relations of mutual character of the sites forums and social networking via the Internet allows companies, Self trademarks and brands registered in communion, and directly, with clients from the public, and thus to obtain ratings masses immediate and moments in addition to the high indicators of investment returns.

When we look at social networking website like Facebook alone combine 40 million users across the Middle East and North Africa; as the percentage of spread and penetration of markets to 11.5, while Twitter has another 500 million users worldwide.


35 thoughts on “Web Design and Social Media”
    1. Thanks Shabnam i believe as bloggers and website owners we should all learn to design or at least learn something about web design in that way you will be able to now what a good design looks like.

    1. A well design website would attract readers but to keep them interested in your site you need to offer them quality content this could be in the form of artcile or a good products as the saying goes content is king.

  1. When someone sets up a new site they have a lot of decisions to make. They need to decide, like you’ve said, what kind of site they are going to have and if they are going to do it themselves, or hire someone else to design it and support it for them.

    Colors and fonts are both very important part of web design and will make a big difference in how long people stay on your sit.

    1. Hi Alison you are right sometimes it is better to hire a designer especially if you are setting a new site in that way the designer is the one with the headache to get it right so that it suits the website owner.

  2. I usually take time in developing a site. I am more conservative in that I try to keep the design simple. I never like sites that were busy and contain a lot of widgets/images as I find them hard to navigate.

    The key when designing a site is to know your visitors.

    1. Hi Paul welcome to my blog glad you take the time to add your voice to the debate here. I must say that i agree with you here one of the major thing when designing a website or blog is to know your visitors or you targeted audience

  3. Proper web design for the social media audience is important because these visitors are all very web savvy and used to modern web 2.0 design and navigation structures.

    1. You are right Andreas must online users now are used to the modern web 2.0 elements so need to take that into consideration and implement it from the design phase od our website.

    1. Thanks nimita i am glad that you found the post interesting and of help to you hope after following these suggestions you get the desired results. Thanks for taking the time to add your voice to the debate.

  4. Nothing fascinates me much. As I have said so very often, I am myself a lover of a beautiful design and web design is not an exception. Infact, web designing is one of the activities which thrills me like anything. I think it is very addictive. Anyways, very useful and informative tips shared. Keep it up..!

    1. Thanks for your kind words aswani it is always great to get those positive feedback and coming from you makes it even better. Thanks for adding your voice to the debate.

  5. Great tips and advice as usual Gary. I like to tinker with my design once in a while and although I would like to do more things, unfortunately my technical limitations won’t allow me to. I agree that a good web design and one that blends in with the tone of your overall personality, keeping it clean, makes user more interested..

    1. I too love to thinker with my design Ditesco i actually set up a sub domian and used it as a testing lab for tweaking my themes. Thanks for your comment. you have summed it up beautifully

  6. Web design and layout factor is very important for success of any blog or website. Thats why majority of professional blogger decide to use WordPress platform because of wide range of elegant looking themes which can be easily monetized for adsense. But still without quality content even good looking website will fail.

    1. You said it right Right John “Content is King” having a good design with great layout is not it we need great content to keep our readers interesting. We all know WordPress is second to none and it is a wonderful platform to work with. Thanks for you comment and welcome aboard.

  7. designing is the thing we all should mind.It gives the first impression to the users.The beautiful design can reduce your bounce rates

  8. Web design is very important for our websites. Thank you for further explaining it to us.

  9. I used to be fluent in html years ago, but then CSS got big and I lost my edge. =) These days, I just might hire a designer to fashion what I need, because I think it might be a little beyond me at this point. But color and design is just as important as content, because your color scheme can become your brand colors if you think about it. Look at Shell yellow, Ferrari red, FedEx orange and purple. A smart use of color can be your calling card!


  10. Hi Gary,
    Your blog has moved into different gear where individual subjects are being discussed at a great lengths. Great work and great tips

  11. designing of the web is an important part for our business. great useful post, i am very fluent in HTML.

  12. Nicely explained an article for web designing & promoting it in the social media. Hope it will be very helpful to get an idea about web designing to newbies. I wish to follow your blog regularly. Keep posting this much of great stuff. Thanks.

  13. nicely explained article! thanks for sharing your appreciable knowledge with all of us. keep going. thanks.

  14. I really enjoy reading the articles on this blog. Articles was very interesting.I appreciate this wonderful post

  15. Hello everyone!!! I think for making a site interesting, it should be simple, not lot of images, and main importance should be given to the text color, content and background. In this post, Lawmacs has given a complete idea about web designing. If one will follow those steps, it will definitely help a newbie in web designing.

  16. While it s still no match for Facebook s 700 million community it s no mean achievement considering the fact that LinkedIn is more a professional network rather than a pure social network..More than half of LinkedIn professionals 56 million come from outside the United States a strong indication that LinkedIn is now a well known global phenomenon. A number of businesses across varied verticals already used LinkedIn as a networking tool to find new channel partners sales associates and business partners..Marriages are made in heaven but it s fair to say that business partnerships are made on LinkedIn..Track Competition.LinkedIn offers several insights into your business competitors.

  17. Over 98% of the business development companies is using its website as a source of Marketing. So, web designing plays a crucial role in the development of companies. Social Media has become the best way for the linkage of people from one area to another. Now, the mobile technologies has developed so rapidly that social networking site and mass medias could directly opened and checked out from our mobile itself.

  18. Website is a great tool in marketing your company online. It represents your company on the web helping you achieve the online presence which is necessary in any business today. Thus, having an effective web design should be taken in consideration when marketing your business online.

  19. Website is giving clear idea about user. So while your design think on user view. Also nowadays people more interest with social media, so consider on that too…

  20. A proper designer for web should know Visual Design well, UX, Print Design Skills, Resourcefulness, HTML/CSS of course. Also would be positive to have communication skills as they work in team and must freely interact with all team members: developers, marketing experts, SMM experts etc

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