Round Up #26


June 26, 2011 , ,

Sunday is here again when i try on share some post with you while surfing the web these past couple of days the Google Panda ramblings start again has apparently Google has release another update dubbed Panda 2.2 and it seems that some of the websites has been affected. Round up is here to feature some great post that circulate around the web.A shout out goes to over Judith Leeson at law degree who writes this post about Top 20 iPad Apps for Attorneys feel free to give them a visit and support there blog. Sit back grab a cup of coffee and enjoy this week’s Round Up.

(1) Motivating Ourselves and Inspiring Others After reading Steve Scott’s post on excuses for not getting my I-book written and also downloading his PDF on writing an E-book, there was only one thing to do! And that was…just do it! Meet a Great Motivator Steve not only writes really practical posts, he is also a great motivator. I always leave Steve’s site having learnt something I can implement. And I do feel motivated on reading all that he seems to achieve in a day. Thanks Steve. I’m sure there are others like me who feel the same way.

(2) How does Greed, Fear and Herd Mentality affect humans? We are primary governed by two emotions in our daily lives, fear and greed. While fear prompts us to avoid risk, greed involves often out stretching ourselves in order to make quick gains. They both bring out a mentality which probably has been ingrained in human brains from millions of years . It is called as herd mentality Herd Mentality Herd mentality describes how people are influenced by their peers to adopt certain behaviours, follow trends, and/or purchase items

(3) The Anatomy of a Perfect Landing Page – Info graph I have been planning to shift my learning mojos to Conversion Rate Optimization these past few months, since I started to get addicted in testing pages and in striving to get better results from those tests before last year had ended. There’s a lot to learn in SEO as it is constantly evolving as well as being integrated with other web marketing channels – and converting the traffic that we are able to generate through deadly marketing skills is certainly a part of it.

(4) Google +1, SEO, and How it Relates to Personalized Search – Google announces their latest attempt at social media with the +1 button in the search results and before the virtual ink is dry on the page, there are numbskulls trying to figure out ways that they can exploit this function to rank in search. Websites such as Fiver have people who are willing to sell people package deals to +1 their content 1,000 or so times.

(5) Dispelling Misconceptions About BloggersI’ve been reading a variety of blog posts and reactions to them recently about how bloggers should be doing this but should not be doing that that. I’ve come to realize that there are a few major myths about bloggers circulating out there that are just wrong. I’m ready to dispel these myths – right here, right now. Here are some things about bloggers that should be obvious, but obviously aren’t.

That is Round Up for this week if you think you have get affected by Google panda update let me know. Google is the biggest Search  Engine around without a doubt we need to harness some of its traffic. Please feel free to share this post.


10 thoughts on “Round Up #26”
  1. It’s also a very nice round ups. I like this mostly. Your suggestion is very informative and educational. Thanks you very much.

  2. LOL…I don’t take tea or coffee but yes, I really enjoyed it. You have shared some great resources. Keep it up and keep blogging….cheers!!

  3. I’ve been focusing more on conversion rates as well. The article about the perfect landing page was really informative. I’ve never really given much thought about colors, but i can see how it might effect mood. Thanks for sharing

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  5. Very interesting article. Content has been written in very nice manner. Thanks for sharing good knowledge.

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