Round Up #34


August 16, 2011 , ,

This another post Round Up which is running behind schedule however as this is a prominent feature of this blog i will still post as many of you will be visiting looking for this feature however as many of you are know i am on a business trip to my homeland Jamaica and still very busy at the moment and hope to be back to full blogging very soon at the moment my time on the internet is very limited. However busy i am i still have to find the time to keep my blog updated. That goes to show that i am very addicted to blogging which i love so much. Thanks to all my blogging buddies who checked up on me and send their kind words. That is it hope you enjoy this week’s Round up and hope you all are getting the results you need from your blog. 

(1) White Hat Google Traffic Hack – How to Build Massive Back Links Without Appearing as a Spammer – I am in the business of researching profitable niches, cranking out niche sites, marketing them until they reach cruise control and then leaving them alone to float in cyberspace and print passive and residual income for me over time. For any niche site to reach cruise control, it needs a steady flow of significant traffic. The single best way to ensure that happens is by engaging in effective backlink building. Recently, I took two brand new niche sites that targeted similar keywords in terms of search demand and competition and applied two different backlink building strategies to measure one’s success over the other. As a result, I further reinforced my theory on how to build mass back links effectively without appearing as a spammer to the search engine police.

(2) The Best Google Plus Tutorials – If you have been watching the growth of Google Plus social network in the last a few days, then probably you are feel the craziness of Google Plus. I personally haven’t seen a network spread among people this fast before, and it’s not weird that people started already to shout many tutorials like how to use Google Plus network, how to invite people to join Google+ and stuff like that.

(3) Top Chrome Extensions For Google Plus Although Google Plus is just in the beta version and you need an invitation email before can join, Google Plus still has a bright future and many, many people believe it will beat Facebook and Twitter in the short of time. For me, I’m so excited in Google Plus because of its extensive features, fast working and an ability to connect to other Google services such as: Gmail, Picasa, Places… therefor, these extensions will help you a lot in this experience.

(4) Google Plus FollowFriday: 50+ Bloggers Worth Following on Google+With all the buzz about Google Plus at least, I need to mentioning it! And what better way than to mix different social platforms in one package, then – I’m opening officially the Google Plus #Follow  Friday series, in short, Google+ #FF.As you know on Twitter shows up every Friday, a classic of recommendations of other Twitters with hash tags like #Follow Friday, #social media, #blogging, #foodies and tons more. In that form, you can find influencers or noteworthy people to follow and also to add to your Twitter lists.

(5) 29 SEO Experts Share the Most Compelling Content that Influenced Their WorksThe Internet still stands as the greatest invention of mankind, thus far, in my opinion. Since its creation, the Internet has made almost everything in reach, whether it’s through trading, communication, entertainment and most extensively with information, wherein any sort of information were made very accessible to people, worldwide, over the web. This concept of the web allowed many of us to build professions out of it, which have evidently caused for more human ideologies to transcend its usual capacity, making this generation much wiser (judging from how most users make use of the web’s potentials these days).

That is it for this week Round Up hope you enjoy all the post and feel free to visit and read the full article and remember to recommend any useful post so that i can feature them here.I must take this moment to say a bit thank you to Shabnam from techiezlounge and Aswani from one stop blog.


10 thoughts on “Round Up #34”
  1. Great to see my blog make it into your roundup, Gary. Have a great trip and take some time away from your blog – we all need it sometimes.


  2. Thank you for sharing your minds and knowledge with us , I agree with you that interner is the greatest invention for us , and I suppose it will remain on the first place long years…

  3. Hey Gary! I wanna say thanks to you for your consistency and wanna appreciate you for your passion about blogging.As always your this Round up was also admirable.I have just got a Google+ invitation from my one blogging buddy,and i am really enjoying using it.Good Luck and God Bless.
    With Regards!
    Samuel Joshua.

  4. Great roundup as usual! Especially nice to find some google+ people that are worth following since mine has been quite empty since i got it 🙂 White hat traffic tips are always appreciated, thanks for providing continuos quality, i’m very thankful.

  5. Hey Gary! I wanna say thanks to you for your consistency and wanna appreciate you for your passion about blogging.

  6. great informative post Gary. i agree with your suggestions and points. keep on sharing your awesome resources.

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