Round Up Week 12


March 25, 2012 , ,

Round UpSunday Round Up is here again and please stay tuned as i am formulating a plan to make Round Up much bigger and better in the near future. Round is a feature design to highlight some very interesting post from my travels around the web and also feature links from commenters who visited this blog. Round was mentioned all over the web by bloggers who see it as a great way of achieving natural in content links which are valuable for search engine optimization. So get your article feature here by supporting this blog or write a great post and drop me a line with the link and it will get mentioned. This week there is a post at number six which as a referred post feel free to visit and check it out.

(1) 7 Viral Marketing Strategies to Get Massive Traffic Spikes There are times that you get surprised to see a sudden spike in traffic when you check your site’s traffic stats in the morning, and you often wonder where those visitors came from and how you were able to pull it off by accident. Well, what if you can replicate that result whenever you wish to? It’s very possible, given that all it really takes is to have a really awesome content that people will voluntarily share and to have a plan on how you can put that content in front of that particular kind of audience (to people who will really share your content).

(2)Blogging Infographics – 2 awesome must see info graphics for bloggers Do you love info graphics? I guess yes. Even I too. Seems that the internet today is flooded with info graphics especially true for sites like Interest which I believe, should be renamed to Pantographic for a very simple reason. Pinterest has become a haven for info graphics. The beauty of Pinterest should be credited to these info graphics without which Pinterest would have appeared dull and boring. Anyways yesterday while I was browsing through the Pinterest, I came across two awesome info graphics which I just had to re open it for all others to see.

(3)Top 10 eBook readers in 2012 Technology has something to offer for everyone. If you cannot live without your books and cannot absolutely live without them then you must be aware about eBooks. Now, one can avail the digital edition of their favourite books over the internet. However, it can be a little tiring to sit in front of your desktop for hours. It is also not possible to carry laptops everywhere. eBook readers come for the rescue here. These are portable tablets that are designed especially to read books. There are numerous models available in the market these days that can make it difficult for you to pick one for yourself. You can consider one of the models listed below.

(4)Why Your Blog Needs Pinterest – When it comes to increasing your blog’s web presence, most people focus on basic SEO tactics provided by a best SEO company and social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter. However, there is a new rising star in social media that many bloggers, and online businesses in general, are overlooking – and that site is Pinterest. A seeming haven for Do-it-Yourselves and stay-at-home mom’s, Pinterest is actually attracting much more attention and use from several demographics. In fact, large sites such as Mashable, have found the new niche social media platform so useful that it has created one of the best Pinterest pages on the site, and several others are following suit. So if you are going to overlook anything about the site make sure that it is its the site’s red and pinkish grey accents – not it’s usefulness. Pinterest is actually able to draw users in a much different and engaging way – a way in which both Facebook and Twitter haven’t streamlined to do so.

(5)Cloud Computing At Its Best There is a very popular term is the field of computing these days – cloud computing. Almost all of us have heard it or read about it more or less. But what exactly is cloud computing? All the techies have the conception of cloud computing but what about the non-techies. I will try to explain the term cloud computing here in simple words without using technical terminologies. To be precise cloud computing refers to the hosting services on the world wide web (www). In case of cloud computing every action is done over internet which allows everyone to access any file at any time from his personal computer by using his net connection.

(6) 7 Apps to Gamify Your Life Gamification doesn’t play. The newest thing in housework, exercise, advertising, and beyond, this reward-based method of consumption and productivity incorporates gaming techniques for increased user interactivity. Early adopters have seen success for both providers and consumers. Marketed as a new way to increase brand loyalty and dissemination of brand identity, gamifying your life has never been easier, cheaper, or more riddled with options. And if current development trends continue, gamified apps will only become more standard. Detractors of the strategy tout reasons that it deflects focus from realistic life modes,

That is all for this week Round Up feel free to visit the respective websites and read the full article and remember to share them on your favourite Social networking websites.


24 thoughts on “Round Up Week 12”
  1. Great round up. I read Jason’s article on viral marketing strategies and learned some great stuff like Stumbleupon’s Paid Discovery. Thanks, I will be checking out the other 5 too.

  2. Hey Good round up, I like 2 and 5. In last but not least whole article is very interesting keep sharing such type of information.

  3. All the points discussed in the above post are very helpful for round up week 12. Thanks for giving such a nice post.

  4. After reading post “Cloud Computing At Its Best”, few things I would like to mention here specially. The basic concept behind cloud server environment is, it makes use of multiple servers in a cluster to ensure that there will always be at least one server available to cope up with the load on the cluster or to replace crashed server. But this is just an overall view about cloud. Actually, there are some types of cloud, such as saas, paas, iaas, public cloud, private cloud, hybrid cloud. So before going to use cloud you will have to determine what type of cloud service meets your requirements.

  5. I analysed the way you tried to explain cloud computing but still I think it is wider concept and one need to write very long about it for detail explanation.

  6. You got me interested with those 7 viral marketing strategies. I would love to know more about that.

  7. Great round up, This is such a nice n useful sharing, that will be very useful for hte bloggers, i would appreciate the posting here : )

  8. I’ve known some of the websites. I visit viral marketing strategy and the blogging infographic often. They provide useful tips. I’ll be checking the others too.

  9. Great list. It seems a very interesting topics that may be useful for our businesses.
    thanks for the share.

  10. Excellent round up,I like 2 and 5…These can be useful for business…Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us…

  11. Thanks for sharing with us this round up week 12, it’s nice learning from it and hope you can share some more…

  12. Every round up is a must read and a very interesting article as they highlight infographics. This would really teach us some marketing techniques and this would be a good thought for most of the bloggers.

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