Round Up Week 13


April 1, 2012 , ,

Round UpSunday Round Up with six great articles for your Sunday Pleasure The news in the internet is that Google new Search algorithm is now targeting the link building networks and even one websites has now closed and or moving away from the trade. Is this really true your guess is as good as mine however that is the story and not surprisingly it is also rumoured that Google will be launching it commenting system like that of Facebook, Do you think that this is a good idea or another one that will fail, At this point in time it is rumour so lets just sit back relax and wait on see,

(1) Pinterest Image Optimization, Using Pinterest for Brand Exposure Pinterest undoubtedly has been one of those social networks that has been getting a lot of attention from internet users, and not only. Since it started to get noticed, there has been a never ending flow of news, information, blog posts, etc., on how to use Pinterest for business, for brand exposure, and basically, how to do things right. Guides, eBooks, articles, how-to’s, videos, Pinterest clones, etc.,

(2) Create cool infographics to showcase your own digital lifeHow about an infographics on you? Ever wondered if you could create infographics to showcase your life…I mean the digital life ? I was wondering if I could and then I came to know about this nice little service from Intel. Anyone can access this fabulous service by visiting is an online service to let you create attractive infographics based on your Facebook, twitter and you tube activities. These infographics presents a beautiful summary of your social activities by including recent facebook posts and the posts made on the other social networks.

(3) Why Google Decided to Offer Face Search by Using Pictures From Social Networks – To be fair, Google hasn’t yet decided to do this – it’s merely put forward a patent application for a system that might be capable of doing a face search. So what’s the point – and what does it mean for the SEO company? Ostensibly the point of face searching is to enable “next generation” type searches – that is, web searches started by something other than typing a query into a search bar. The face search would presumably be commenced by someone using their mobile device to take a photo. You take your pick and upload it into Google, which then identifies the items in the image (in this case the faces), pulling up their social media information perhaps.

(4) Over Optimizing Your Website, What to Look Out For – Over optimization has been the buzz of the online marketing world recently along with the blog networks de-indexation. I always said that blog networks should be taken with a dose of aspirin, hope some of you listened. Well, what’s done is done there, just need to cut off your ties and get busy with some real link building and content marketing. On the other hand you can still avoid over optimization penalty and in the process improve your website. If you followed the top SEO advice you probably have nothing to worry about, but in case you didn’t here are your top priorities to sort out as soon as possible.

(5) Link Building Networks Fall to the Mighty Hand of Google Last week we saw some big changes from Google as they continue to update their algorithms and the way they rank web sites. The most recent news and discussion was on the dismantling of BuildMyRank completely shutting down. For those of you who don’t know about Build My Rank, it was an extremely large and successful network of high Page Ranking blogs that made up a content link building service. Someone would join BuildMyRank, pay a monthly fee and contribute articles to the network of sites. For ever 150+ word article you provided, your content would then be posted on one of their network sites.

(6) Google+ Commenting System, Share Your Thoughts! In another try from Google to dominate the internet, there are some hot news shared and discussed in the Google event G-Saudi Arabia, the most interesting news is Google to launch a new commenting platform based on its network that can be used by third-party like the Facebook third-party comment platform. Isn’t it Amazing? Google+ Commenting System From what I see on the social talk, people feel sorry for commenting platforms like Disqus and Livefyre, I personally don’t really care for any third-party platform for commenting as I prefer to use the WordPress default commenting system on my blogs as I see the value of SEO in comments, and I am also able to enjoy the CommentLuv plugin with my blog readers.

That is all for this week round Up


26 thoughts on “Round Up Week 13”
  1. Last week I’ve read many times about Pinterest, Google+ commenting system and over optimizing site. All information about these topics is really helpful. Google+ is getting better and better. Interesting competition between different social media sites.

  2. I had started recently working on Pinterest this is really good. It allows the members to pin the images, videos and other objects to their pinboard.

  3. I think keeping the design simple is much better than designing a complex-looking website on the cost of content.

  4. Excellent list !! What will happen if you already submitted your Article on BuildMyRank ? Does google banned all of their network websites?

  5. Great round-up, I especially like the Pinterest brand exposure one. It’s pretty addictive, I upload a lot of info-graphics that help me drive traffic back to my site.

  6. I read about BuildMyRank getting destroyed after Google’s last updates. Zac gave some great tips on how to build an effective link building plan. Can’t wait to check out the other articles in this Round Up. Thanks.

  7. This information will help the readers to find out how Pinterest share its expertise on brand exposure. It is reaches out the unlimited features that can be used in Pinterest and that is very amazing!

  8. I really liked all these articles, but my favorite is how to optimize the images for Pinterest. While I’m still active on Facebook and Twitter, I think that Pinterest has the greatest potential for bloggers and online businesses.

  9. hi admin i read your article that is very nice article i request your if possible you post regular article for user, if your post more article then sure you increase more traffic and use that traffic for income, you use google adsence or other advertiser add, that is useful for you, i am sure if you add here ads then sure you generate approx £4000 to £5000. so follow my suggestion and income more money,


  10. All links are productive. But the most I like is related to over optimization. Moderate optimization always award consistent ranking.

  11. Still not convinced about the Google Plus commenting system.. Great help from this blog! Thanks a lot for the information I needed

  12. I went through your all 6 important point. You know how to describe things in an impressive manner. The point no. 4, i.e “Over Optimizing…” is really considerable by website owners. Have a nice time.

  13. Thanks for sharing your knowledge with us. I love using Pinterest because you share photos just like flickr. I also used Google+ but I’ve read that you need to be active everyday. Social signals are very important and they give a big help when it comes to SEO.

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