
Bloggers Building Relationship

relationship2I start by asking you do you believe in Bloggers Building Relationship?A few weeks back i read an article on famous bloggers titled Content is Not King Relationship is well you might have remember me featuring the article here in one of my Round Ups now lets take a look at building relationship. Yeah i heard thinking that i am getting intimate here well i am but only this time it is with blogging. Relationship is important in blogging however how do we do this you might ask? There are several ways of building relationship an we will look at a few of them and you can share with me the ways you go about building yours.

Social Networking sites are a big phenomenon today we all use them which bloggers hasn’t use them let me know well none that i am familiar with not saying there are a must. we can use the power of these social networking website to build our blogging relationship. How will i do this? i thought you would have figure it out by now anyway let me explain this you might not agree with me but we can disagree to agree here after all we are bloggers and sometimes we seems a bit controversial maybe it is just your style.

Facebook yes it has over a billion users and it is growing all the time get yourself a profile there it is worth make friends and get involved you would be amazed by what you can achieve from that site. Then comes Digg well not as it used to be since the change over lots of errors and some negativity from a site we loved so much however been active on digg can bring you some decent traffic and also stumbleupon another site that i used often with almost eleven million users just think of the potential for your blog.

Now there are some basics for building relationship which i believe is very important in order to gain trust and that is using a real picture for your profile image this to me will build your credibility and other bloggers will easily trust you.Building Relationship is very important to the success of our blog. Now do you believe in building relationship? content is still very important but having good relationship is equally important having said that good quality content and a strong relationship is the base of building a successful blog. so build your relationship but remember to support those that you build your relationship with if they post the least you can do is Retweet share their post. have you starting building your relationship yet?

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